Lag delay when casting spells please help!

Hi everyone, I recently started playing Classic due to being inside for the next few months. (Aren’t we all, lol)

So my MS is at 12, and for some reason I get lag delays when casting spells or talking to vendors.(Sort of like I am catching up) I ran an internet connection test and it is perfect. I also made adjustments with the graphics all low. I am currently on a MacBook Pro (new) Could it possibly be the WIFI card? Should I use an ethernet cord to speed up connection? Please give me any advice. Thanks!

Here is an example of what it looks like, but not with so many people around.

Did you try restarting your comp?

this is lagging

everything around you, including others players are jumping in a weird way

this is probably due to the high population on this starting zone i guess

edit: try to look at your firewall configurations idk…maybe he’s in the way of something

This is called what is colloquially known as spell batching. It’s not on your end and there’s nothing you can do to improve it.

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Let me guess: you’ve got a Mac + AT&T Wifi?

This is a known issue. There are other threads on it, but the best one is here: Channeling Lag

There are a couple of solutions toward the bottom of that forum thread. Please check it out and see if it resolves your issue.

Despite AT&T’s claim of having the best nationwide coverage, they in fact have the worst. And they lock you into 2 year contracts. :angry:

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