Laden Somnut Treasures (Alt Bug)

Laden Somnut treasures aren’t appearing on map/minimap for alts. However, they show up on my main just fine. Please fix this blizzard, tryin to farm the enchanting recipes here…

Also can no longer see small somnut treasures as well.


I am having the same issue. It seems to be related to using the skip to go into the Emerald Dream.

I’m having this issue as well - you can farm super bloom for the recipe.
that’s how i did it

Same issue here :frowning: wanted to farm the crest recipes and wondered why i cant see a single somnut

According to WoWHead this is a bug where if you have an alt that has renown 11 or greater all your other alts can no longer see somnuts.

And like others this showed up trying to farm recipes on alts.

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This still seems to be an issue. At first I thought it was related to the bug where it disappears from the mini-map once someone loots it (although doesn’t despawn), but I’m only seeing them on my main and none on my alts. I am also trying to farm enchanting recipes and it’s making it harder to complete the world pvp spark quest.

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Having the same issue on my alt as of today. Are there no fixes? Should we submit a ticket?


Still bugged.

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Still bugged, still blocking alts from getting new recipes.


Still bugged, even on an alt that is ALSO rank 11…

Somnuts are STILL BUGGED Blizzard. FIX IT.

Thought I was going crazy as my alts no longer see Somnuts. Please fix this Blizz…gonna be hard to do the weekly 5 plantings otherwise on alts.

still bugged

a fix soon would be great.

still bugged?

I can’t speak for everyone but I am able to see Laden Somnuts on my minimap on my enchanter alt as of today so they may have addressed this issue.