Lack of mailboxes and mountable areas in Oribos


Shadowlands is great, I am having a blast. However, the lack of mailboxes in Oribos is extremely tilting. The last time I saw this few mailboxes, I was playing Classic WoW. I feel like this is one of those changes they made to make the world or the “city” feel “bigger”. Nevertheless, this just does not work at all. Not only does the city not feel bigger, or immersive, its actually just all around less fun to bein. I spend my time AFK in Org, as I’d like to spend in the new city, but it is just such an inconvenient place to be. Not to mention the fact you get dismounted anywhere you go in the city. This city could be amazing but because of how inconvenient it is, I am starting to hate it and trying to avoid it all costs. Maybe one or two more mailboxes and enabling mounting in some of the halls could fix this.

1/10 troll post

Turn that increased enchanting skill racial for the mailbox of the Nightborne bby!

In Vanilla WoW, every city had multiple mail boxes.

Yep. I despise Oribos. It’s too big. It has the same sound effects as a space goat ship–I mean, city. The one mailbox is in front of the inn, and it’s nowhere near the bank.

I do like the whole 2nd floor terminal thing. It’s beautiful. But I hate it. I can’t ride in it, and everything is too far apart, and there’s only one mailbox because…I don’t know. There is no good reason.


And so I despise Oribos and will work my way toward never going there except for Tuesday chest day.

When we get enough renown to have the Covenant Hearth, I’ll set my regular hearth to Stormwind to get around ever going to Oribos. Which is sad because the RP of having been dropped into another plane of existence and having to stay there the entire expansion without going home…is cool.