Lack of Gold Making and Mission Tables

I payed for my game time that way. I was able to buy at least 3 tokens a month with mission tables.

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Right, gold making was so much better back then.

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So me not picking night fae, meaning all my missions were harder

Wasn’t being punished?

Interesting take

Bro, by nerfing NightFae it doesn’t make any of the other factions easier.

You said one shouldnt be concerned with how easy things were.

Never said it did

Just meant it wasn’t a punishment. Y not being night fae cuz they were blasting through missions you had to work for

I think for WoD that I had an addon that automated the mission table, it felt like a must do thing at the time. Towards the end of Shadowlands, I had eight alts running the mission tables for the gold; though that is only fun if there is something to buy.

So, I don’t miss the mission tables at all, but it was a fine thing for an expansion to offer up.

It seems that every expansion that my characters roll over gold from the past expansion. I’d bet that I have unused alts from the golden-glory days of the garrisons just left behind with a lot of gold in their pockets. What is there to buy?

Some world quests in the end game pay around 800 gold per mission. It helps with repair costs at least.

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The best thing about WoD’s mission table was after you sent out everyone at once, standing at the entrance of your garrison and cheering on the parade of NPCs walking out.

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Huh… never knew that was a thing. May have to head out there.

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Yeah, since the mission table NPCs were all present in your garrison, walking around, idling, etc. Whenever you sent them out, they would stop what they were doing, path out and fade at the zone line.

So doing it in mass was entertaining (for me).

I hated mission tables. cheap, lazy gameplay belonging more in a facebook game.

Odd how removing the mission tables hasn’t seemed to have affected inflation in the game economy.

I do miss the never ending supply of augment runes. Patron orders need to step it up.

I love how they removed mission tables for an expansion where its existence could have been forgotten except by those who wanted to do it. Same with Callings.

Please. That doesn’t even cover repair costs for raiding.

The replacement for quest tables when it comes to “earning gold” are professions. The thing is that at the tables you sent followers, and in the professions you have to get busy. I have several professions and I earn a lot of gold, I don’t even pay attention to the quests that reward gold.
I also understand that there are players who don’t like professions.

I used to make 10k running Naxx and selling wartorn scraps and frozen runes when they were readded, though, admittedly I was on a RP server so the demand for transmog was likely higher. And I assume the prices have probably dropped a lot now that people have said transmog. It wasn’t bad for ~15 minutes (took more like 25 thanks to Gothik and KT phase 1, but I just did other stuff on my other monitor for those). You could do it on multiple chars.

I made 45,000 gold this week doing world content… all new gold since I haven’t listed auctions yet. Moderate week though. I’ve made more in a week this expansion.

I found the long slog to level up followers in WoD mission tables to be so demotivated that doing them made me want to quit. I enjoyed Legion mission tables. BfA mission tables had very little use. I never leveled a single mission table in Shadowlands.

So overall, more hit than miss.

I made 250k last week, got bored and started playing classic again.