Lack of blue posts

i made a post about this saying they need to reply something show us they are listening and it got deleted… blizz is tryin to cover up how badly they have fallen with 8.1. they dont tell us anything or engage with us at all… they should if we are to stay …after all we WE are the paying customer and they treat us worse than a dog in winter outside! Come on blizz speak to your player base… or dont and lose droves more people b4 8.1… I am sure they are definitely hurting on there overall numbers and probably not in the black… Activision is destroying WOW… this game use to rock now you dont listen to us at all.

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If anything he is giving praise for the extra work they may be doing on the expac given the lack of visibility from them here.

But I do hope he is right and every man and his dog is working on this expac, even with the hidden number of subs anyone should be able to tell it is going down faster than the titanic.