It should be noted though, it would be very odd for the Light to effect the Necrolords in a detrimental way as the entire Covenant is functionally designed as the standing army of the Death Cosmology; from what I assume to be the other Cosmological Forces. I would guess that by their very nature they are more resistant to the other cosmological forces. Because they have to be.
Another good point. Now I’m very curious if anyone native to Ardenweald ever makes it out to the Ember Ward, and how it affects them.
At that point I’d almost like to see how the Kyrians would react to encountering Z’rali.
There is a Kyrian only daily from the anima conductor where you learn what should pass to or return away from the Shadowlands and in it is a Naruu that chimes. The best reaction would be why Z’rali can talk.
I never knew this. I haven’t really bothered with the Anima Conductors much myself.
I thought Light only harmed the Venthyr. Because they’re draculas. I haven’t seen anything in Maldraxxus to suggest they’re weary of it. Morgraine in fact still seems pretty loyal to the vague philosophy of the Light at least.
Well, if I recall the player will encounter a child, dog, origmmar grunt, mantid commander, lordareon soldier, naruu, elemental and farmer.
The mantid commander is a tough one as he must return to the living to slay the necromancer before that affects the shadowlands.
I mean that necromancy is just one form of death magic. The covenants have different ways of using anima.
Yeah, I know what you mean, just going off what Chronicles mapped Death out as. Shadowlands is a retcon because they knew an expansion with just one flavor would be boring to the players, so they had to make diverse.
Otherwise the Shadowlands isn’t the plane of Death and just halfway house like the constructed Emerald Dream. But then you can’t really compare the Pantheon of Death to the Titans anymore.
Interesting observations.
While I can’t say anything definitive on the subject, I was surprised by the light seen all over Bastion, and in caves, coming, seemingly from somewhere underground. Or it’s waterfalls that look like a “liquid light”.
Except there is one minor thing that stood out for me. It’s not only the holy light we traditionally see what could be found in Shadowlands.
Bastion has animals with a peculiar theme
There is an memorial in the south
Ancient Memorial
In memory of Dresaelus: Keeper of Stables, Rider of the Living Sun, and Master of Beasts.
May his name never be forgotten.
And appropriately looking rare nearby
And a couple of very loose things. During the pre-patch one of items I got is called Sightless Capuchin of Ulmaas. Now, I do not know who or what is Ulmaas, but there was another item mentioning that thing, Ulmaas’ Robes of Crushing Magma, dropped by the approprately themed world boss
Also, Sunblood Amethyst is dropped by High Adjudicator Aleez in Halls of Atonement, and Lingering Sunmote by Grand Proctor Beryllia from Sanguin Depths.
Also, there was a peculiar phrase in the Collector’s ed. book (Shadowlands):
not really a spoiler, since no one specific mentioned, but just in case:
The Maw is like a malevolent lantern: a realm not devoid of light, but one in which light is held captive like the damned the Maw was built to imprison.
The Jailer’s dwelling is a maze of torment chambers and endless despair from which there is no escape.
Which kind of makes me think of another side of light, possibly closer to fire, and maybe chaos? There was after all one mysterious (to me) phrase in Warcraft 3
Archimonde (in Eredun):
Archimonde draws magic symbols on the ground, forming a diagram of the foundations of Dalaran.
Let this scar signify the first blow against the mortal world…
From this seal shall arise the doom of men who, in their arrogance sought to wield our fire as their own.
Blindly they built their kingdoms upon stolen knowledge and conceit.
Now they shall be consumed by the very flame they sought to control…
So, that would be not the light as what Chronicles mentions in regards to naaru and their “spread hope and nurture life”, but something like… what Azshara says:
Queen Azshara:
I call the cursed loves to enter the stage!
Their eyes long for one another, yet their gaze incurs calamity.
Now that is all very loose and possibly not worth attention, but IMO that could explain why An’she is absent for such a long time. Or it all can have no connections at all.
Tahu Sagewind:
… there is balance in all things, even death.
gl hf
Light does not burn Maldraxxi but it does burn Venthyr and Maw-touched Undead! Maw-touched Undead like Forsaken, Ebon Blade and Scourge are also Maldraxxi-touched so the pain is not as bad though still painful to say the least!