Kyrian with double legendary bad

Please make final sentence have some kind of single target impact, otherwise Kyrian might be terrible for raiding, unless every boss has 5 adds to spread shackle to.

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Basically, every DPS DK with double legendary will be bad barring any kind of change to our covenant legendaries. Our covenant legendaries are all crap when it comes to throughput.


With what’s available now, for Frost, my initial pick would be Biting Cold and Rage of the Frozen Champion. Frost is burst AoE strong, might as well parlay that. For Unholy, Deadliest Coil and not sure between Frenzied Monstrosity or Phearomones. For Blood, probably Crimson Rune Weapon and Superstrain for dps boost, but not sure.

You can’t use two non covenant legendaries, it has to be one covenant legendary with 1 generic.

This ultimately means DK gets absolutely shafted as all the covenant legendaries are terrible, and our legendaries in general aren’t nearly as good as other classes.

We’re gonna be sharing enh shaman tears for the rest of SL if they don’t do any balancing/tuning.


The scary thing is that it might push night fae up, its the only cov legendary that is potentially usable by itself. It even has a dumb synergy with death’s certainty.

With the amount of globals of specific abilities used with resource upkeep, I doubt this.

Dammit, Rensi! I thought I could be more creative with two leggoes! >:(

… That means Shard of Annihilation and DSS would be baseline for my Demo Warlock along with Wilfred’s… Interesting.

I thought kyrian and NL leggos look ok for obliteration. Both of them have flat damage % increase which is buffing you during your CD windows where 80% of your damage comes from.

Kyrian one is going to be far worse in ST than it will in AOE. And comparatively much worse than other class/specs.

Tbh I don’t even know what the NL legendary is, I took one look at the blood mallet charts and laughed myself off to the kitchen for snacks.


Oh well

Meanwhile my Warlock gets DSS and Shard of Annihilation…

At least those legendaries do something unlike the kyrian mage legendary that… doesn’t really do much outside of multitarget situations like say the nine…

But, even then that’s a toss up depending on how people stack bosses and trash up…


NL will basically be required for Obliteration config next patch, with Venthyr pushing ahead for BoS builds.

Kyrian just doesn’t work, because you’ll average getting a transfer every other CD it’ll average down to a 5% damage increase with the majority of it being outside of your Obliteration window, and that’s in AoE. It’s a raw 2% in ST and is not worth taking under any situation.

If you multi-spec is where things become an issue, because the value of Necrolord goes down pretty significantly for Blood. You just don’t do enough damage for that 10% damage increase to mean anything, while compared to Venthyr or NF both providing outright better damage and defensive options.

Yeah fair. Wasn’t think of multi spec. And to be honest I got no idea what other class covenant leggos are.

Demo lock will have some crazy Demon Bolt crits if they use Balespider and NL. Balespider gives 60% increased Demon Bolt damage, Decimating bolt gives 100%+ Demon Bolt damage, Sac Souls increases that by 4% per demon, From the Shadows increases Shadowflame damage by 20% (which would increase Demon Bolt damage more than Vilefiend) power siphon is 30%, Pleasure through Pain is 15%, and the NL legendary makes it 100% crit chance and 50% increased crit damage for Demon Bolt. So not only would you force crits, you are also adding like 15k? or so since I have seen 30k demon bolt crits prior to 200ilvl. So every 45 seconds you can have some powerful hits. Thats without knowing what the 2/4 piece will be as well.

Demo lock in pvp will probably be popping people much harder than chaos bolt can reach, and harder than what people are doing right now with Demo. In pve you just remove 15% damage since you wouldnt get Pleasure Through Pain.

That 50% crit damage increase would only add 7.5k to a 30k crit. If you would originally get a 15k hit, that times 2.5 would be 37500.

Rip dreams of using Deadliest Coil and Frenzied Monstrosity together :frowning:


In fact, final sentence do give you a huge single target boost. The top 5 frost dks against mythic Guardian(a pure single target boss fight) are Kyrian with final sentence. You should learn how to “play” with it. :slight_smile:


Oh. Then Abomination Frenzy for all 3, and Final Sentence for Frost. Insatiable Hunger for Blood looks interesting.

Are you implying that the damage increase from Final Sentence works when there are no targets to spread? o,O

It doesn’t help that the legendary is still bugged and subject to abuse (afaik it has not been fixed).

Given that blizzard didn’t fix the glitch for such a long time, I would tend to say it is a bug that final sentence didn’t spread on single target without “special aid”. :ghost:

Really weird, will try this out on my Goblin Dk.