Kyrian Robot Chicken Mount

I love them all as though they were my children.

My disgusting, chitinous children.

ok that was funny as hell ROLF
 not sure why im sitting here watching clips but they were both hillerious
 crap i cant spell

I like it. I like the priest mount, too. Can’t wait to get it!

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u guys taking too long to reply im gonna watch it again

Yet you claim it only teleports you 10 feet forward.
it can pretty much get you anywhere a Heroic leap can get to

It works vertically!

It will become a lot less awesome once flight is achieved but still :slight_smile:

so is a maldraxxian fleshcrafter going to reshape this robot chicken and force it to watch ardenweald plays?


Itʻs aliiive!

We all know it should have been a pegasus style mount. A holy mashup of Tyraels charger and Kyrian stags. But at this point I feel like blizzard will never make another horse mount again what with the constant complaining over horse mounts.

I don’t get it, I like horse mounts :woman_shrugging:

They are making a bunch of horses for 9.1.


I like it :smiley: I hope it can fly xD

That one can fly, too! That’s an Invincible replacement, if I’ve ever seen one.

I really like the flying animation the Priest mounts shows. Other than that, it’s pretty awful, especially when they run.


I’m more excited to see if they have white or ivory version of Falkor.

:nauseated_face: I can’t Mortis!

its a bird AND ITS SHINY?! This is WAAY better than the night fae mount


Sisu from Raya and the Last Dragon is an awesome night fae mount
 and now that you see the connection you can never un-see it.

I think it looks nice. It’s sleek and very Kyrian-robot, which is a cool Aesthetic.

And don’t bad mouth the Priest Mount - those are gorgeous.

Like all Gryphons, they look awkward running (Hippogryph isn’t so bad somehow), but flying
they are so beautiful. So sparkly!

I look forward to having a robot one for my Mage.

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Well, it’s not a chicken


I think that class hall mounts should have:

  1. Never been reskins.
  2. Never been reskinned for other mounts.

So, obviously, I hate this.

What do get when you cross a big chicken and a paladin?

That’s what it looks like

Last I checked, chickens only have two legs