We are waiting, and we are watching. Our hope has not been exstinguished only diminished, show us that we exist, and that you know we have issues devs.
History has its eyes on you…
Couldn’t resist. I’ll be here watching all day, very closely. Do not let us down! We will be heard!
Nice hashtag, btw.
Thanks I felt it got the point across fairly well.
Wowhead usually starts rolling out weds beta updates in a few hours. Hopefully we’ll see some monk and survival notes in there
Edit: Icyveins article was for last weeks changes but was written an hour ago Jumped the gun abit.
Great job on the bug fixes, blizzard. Can we get our feedback about how our class’s toolkit plays and scales addressed and looked at please?
I mean, the celestials are great and all, but monk has issues that it’s inheriting from BFA and legion still that need work.
What happend to more Info this week? Blizz the few little things that changed aren’t going to bring WW and MW up and it seems you are bent on tying more and more MW to its mastery without looking at the other issues. Mana is still an issue and Mana tea in its current form needs to be off the GCD. Things like Expel harm being tied to the mastery but still being well below usefullness with things like vivify still being better. These are big changes you gave us, and if more is coming just say so, show us at least where you want the specs to be headed.
Hi there have you ever met any pally circa 04-present? You want to talk broken palies have only had 2 maybe 3 patches were they weren’t broken and mocked.
Blizz doesnt balance or fix they break and break just ask DH and DK first patch SL.
Then join the struggle, We aren’t saying sink the other boats or that the other boats are all fine. If your class/spec needs help then lets push for it.
Bro we been leading it lol.
Figured i need to wake this back up. We just want to be relevent, we want to be able to play the class fantasy we love and still be there when the rough patches come. We don’t want to have to be asked to be on the bench for raid simply because playing our best doesn’t pull the dps that other people get from facerolling. We get no feedback and the first good thing MW has seen in a while got didn’t just get the nerf it needed it got beaten with that bat so hard it hurts.
TBH if they just gave us healing winds back they would pretty much fix all WW issues. The rest is numbers tuning.
Sent out my tweet for the day, gotta keep raising our voices.