They are better than kul’tirans blood elf.
Not that things have improved, now we have dumb trolls instead.
They are better than kul’tirans blood elf.
Not that things have improved, now we have dumb trolls instead.
Literally why I don’t have a nightborne is because the males looked busted.
I think this all comes down to personal preference. I like Kul’Tirans, and I like the druid forms. However, my vision of an ideal druid is a NE female.
I’d rather be a chonky boy over the standard human, and the forms are double bonus.
Any argument against this race is moot when in the presence of that look
Who cares, their heritage armor is fire
Nah that would just take away majority of the reason for people to play KT Druids outside of just leveling up for heritage armor lol.
Fair enough, as much as I like the Druid forms I can’t bring myself to play one because of how jank transmogs look on them.
The Druid forms are far and away the best in the game imo, but I play a husky boi in real life, ain’t tryin to play one in my escape from real life too.
It took me 3.5 hours to unlock Kul Tirans after reaching max level on my Alliance toon. Not that challenging. Also I personally love the KT models. And just my opinion, no their forms should not be available to any other races.
Honestly I think the forms should be race specific, but that the original druid races should get unique racial forms too.
Kul Tiran bear man represent!
I won’t deny that, but if I have to look at him constantly I’d rather him appeal to me and not just his really cool armor.
I have all AR unlocked, and I want a Druid. I was interested in Kul Tiran because I love their forms. But the Kul Tiran models themselves are just awful.
The males are okay, I guess. In a contest strong-man kind of way. But that’s not what I think of when I think “druid”.
The women all have angry faces and don’t look like they’d accept any quest they couldn’t complete from the couch.
I went Zandalari for rad dinosaur forms on top of those gold plated royal troll aesthetics.
one of the absolute worst looking race
You mean you don’t want to roleplay as Roseanne?
(Save moonkin, let’s be real)
so true… and not only that, when i was awaiting the kultiran druid forms to show up in wowhead i was expecting great things by looking at the drustvar different models we had in bfa zones…BUT DAMN, even with the other forms i got disapointed, the drustvar models look cooler than the kultiran druid forms, which is disapointing.
I also like how they have no story outside Drustvarr. They just never show up again.
Seems the Tidesages got the better end of that deal.
Are the Tidesages supposed to be their shaman? Cause they look, dress and act more like a priest class.
The only shaman that turns up, as far as I can recall, is that surly ship-rite you run into in the unlock quest.
This. It’s kind of a bummer that the first druid races share similar moonkin forms.
A mix of both.
The only real Shaman-Shaman Kul’tiran we see is during the Kul’tiran unlock questline.
This lady who is a legendary shipwright who can create flagships at inhuman speeds, and we learn she uses the elements to do it.
RHIELLE!!! NO!!! They are coming after you now… You know the rules… Never talk about Whine Club! Wait… I saw something stick it’s head around the corner. I think they are after me too now.