⚓ Kul Tiras Marines Field Manual, Chapter XI: Interrogation Techniques

V. Enhanced Interrogation Techniques

Enhanced Interrogation Techniques are best used when information is urgently needed to save lives that are in immediate danger, such as on the battlefield or when we have reason to believe that an attack is imminent. They can also be used over an extended period of time against particularly dangerous prisoners who require that little extra bit of attention to be persuaded to cooperate.

The following techniques can be applied in unison and in any combination as deemed most effective by the interrogator:

Sleep Deprivation
Allow only the most minimum amount of sleep to keep the prisoner from dying or going insane. They may be allowed a full night of sleep only if they provide useful information. Sleep deprivation can be most easily accomplished by throwing buckets of freezing cold water on the prisoner’s face while they sleep while simultaneously shinning bright lights and sounding loud horns right in their face.

Sensory Deprivation
A prisoner should be locked in a completely dark room with no windows and where no sound can be heard from adjacent rooms. This will force the prisoner to focus on their plight, and give them no way of escaping or being distracted from the thoughts circulating in their head. Sensory deprivation also enhances the effects of the sleep deprivation technique covered above.

Forced Feeding
Some prisoners will refuse eating as a way of resisting their captors. Prisoners must learn that resistance is futile, and if forced feeding must be done to reinforce this reality, then they will be forced to eat one way or another. If a prisoner induces themselves to vomit as a way of resisting force feeding, then the food will be ground up into a fine paste and forced into their body through their back side. Eventually the prisoner will prefer to simply eat the food as we dictate it rather than be subjected to the humiliation of forced feeding through their back side.

Light Corporal Punishment
Subjecting prisoners to physical discomforts outlined above can and should be supplemented with some light corporal punishment, be it in the form of punches, slaps, kicks and some light cuts and slashes. Light corporal punishment should be the default response to the prisoner refusing to provide information, with incrementally more intense pain and strikes being inflicted as the interrogation proceeds. If a prisoner gives the interrogator information - then light corporal punishment should be ceased temporarily while the information is evaluated for veracity and usefulness. If the information provided is discovered to be untrue - then Intense Corporal Punishment will be inflicted on the prisoner to train them to refrain from providing false information as a way of avoiding light corporal punishment.

Intense Corporal Punishment
This is one of the final and most forceful methods of punishing a prisoner - and should not be used frequently as it is best to reserve it as a deterrent for providing false information during interrogations. The punishments should be long-lasting, such as broken bones, amputated appendages and extremities, teeth or nails being pulled out, hot irons being pressed against the skin with words such as “LIAR” to make the prisoner reflect on why they have been punished. In the event that Intense Corporal Punishment is ineffective from keeping the prisoner from lying, then the final step will be Familiar Execution.

Familiar Execution
If a prisoner has become extremely defiant and refuses to comply even with intense corporal punishment, then one of their fellow prisoners - one who is familiar to the captive, will be brought into the holding area. At this time, the prisoner will be instructed that if they refuse to surrender the information being provided, that their fellow prisoner will be executed in front of them. Intense Corporal Punishment will then be initiated against the other prisoner while the subject observes. Ask the other prisoner if he has any family such as a wife or children to try and coerce sympathy and mercy from the subject being interrogated. If the prisoner still refuses, then their captive will be executed as they watch. If this is done in a holding cell, then the decapitated head will be left in the cell with the prisoner - and a small candle lit next to it so the prisoner can continue to see the fruits of their defiance.