III. Prisoner Management
Those held in our captivity are both the weak and the cowardly - otherwise they would have had the nerve, strength and humility to recognize they were out-matched and embraced their own deaths with honor and dignity. These prisoners, weak and cowardly as they may be, will still serve a purpose by providing us with valuable intelligence that will save the lives of Kul Tiras Sailors and Marines.
Prisoners should be under constant watch and their ability to communicate with one-another limited as much as possible, though not necessarily eliminated completely as even a passing rapport between the prisoners can be used against them with the most intense of enhanced interrogation techniques. The only persons the prisoner should ever communicate with for an extended period of time is their interrogators - and only at the time and for the duration that the interrogator decides.
Once a prisoner has surrendered all the information that is believed to be useful, they may be released if it is believed that their release will not pose further threat to Kul Tiras. If this is not the case, then the prisoner will be transferred to a cell adjacent to another prisoner whom we are still interrogating. These two prisoners will most likely, over the course of time, begin to develop a rapport or friendship which may be useful later on.