⚓ Kul Tiras Marines Field Manual, Chapter VI: Shipboard Operations

IX. Scuttling

The only time to scuttle the ship is in the extremely unlikely event that the ship has been crippled during a naval engagement against Horde forces. Under these conditions, the main mast must have been severed, the rigging lines cut, rudder disabled and the main deck is completely over-run with enemies. If the main deck is over-run with enemies, then it is the Horde’s intent to capture the vessel rather than sink it. This cannot ever be allowed to happen, and it is your duty as a Kul Tiras Marine to scuttle the ship rather than allow it fall into enemy hands.

The Standard Operating Procedure for Scuttling is as follows:

1. Take the Fight Below Deck.
Marines are to get below deck and keep fighting hand-to-hand, using your superior knowledge of the ship’s layout, choke-points and compartments to make the deck planks black with the blood of our enemies. The officer in charge must shout the order “BELOW DECK!” - and all Marines are to look for the nearest hatch or scuttle and take the fight down below. Marines at the front must be armed with shields to deflect incoming grenade blasts, arrows and thrown weapons. Grenades that penetrate through the shield barrier must be tossed overboard through the broadside gun ports before they detonate or covered over with a shield to absorb the blast and direct the force of the explosion down into the bottom deck or the bilge.

2. Utilize Confined Space Canon Fire
Marines already on the gun deck when enemy boarding begins are to to untie any broadside cannons not pointed at the boarding enemy vessel, aim them towards each hatch leading to the main deck and load them with anti-personnel shot. Aim the cannon at the hatch where our enemies are pouring into the gun deck and be prepared to fire at your commander’s orders. The officer in charge must shout the order “FIRE IN THE HOLE!” - upon hearing this every Marine is to push port or starboard and clear the centerline to maximize enemy deaths while minimizing friendly fire. Broadside canons aimed towards the boarding enemy vessel should be loaded with anti-personnel shot and aimed at the enemy gun deck to clear it of enemy personnel and facilitate our entry into their ship later on.

3. Prep for Detonation
While the fighting continues below deck, Marines within close proximity to the powder magazine are to move as many kegs of powder to mid-ship where a detonation will cause maximum damage and rip the ship in half. Time-delayed Thorium Charges are to be utilized to accomplish this. Once the Orcs begin to make a push towards our cannons, and the fire team manning the hatch cannon won’t have enough time to prep another shot, the officer in charge is to arm the thorium charge kept in the scuttling kit outside the magazine. Light it up and let every greenskin in the surrounding waterways see what happens when they try to seize a ship of the Kul Tiras Navy.

4. Abandon Ship
When the officer in charge has lit and tossed the time-delayed thorium charge into the powder magazine, he will shout out the order “ABANDON SHIP!”, at which point you will only have less than 30 seconds to abandon ship before the thorium charge detonates, setting off the entire powder magazine, taking the ship and any attacking Horde to the bottom of the sea. Marines are to jump out of the broadside gun ports towards the enemy boarding vessel, which will now be depleted of enemy troops and ripe for being taken over from within. Each gun port on our ship will have sets of climbing and grappling hooks which can taken before jumping into the water, and be used to scale the side of an enemy ship.

5. Board Enemy Vessel
Stay below water when our ship detonates to maximize your chances of surviving the blast. The water will protect you from the concussion of the blast and the resulting fireball, but will not protect you from debris launched due to the explosion. Wait a few seconds after the fireball has flashed, swimming towards the enemy vessel. Once you reach the hull of the enemy vessel, secure a scaling hook to the siding and give yourself a short respite before you begin the climb up to their gun ports. You should see fellow Marines pulling up to the side at this point as well. While the enemy is still disoriented from the explosion and the concussion from the blast, begin scaling up the side up from the waterline towards their gun ports. Once you are just below the gun port, pause and wait for other Marines to get into position. All Marines are to enter the gun port simultaneously and immediately kill any enemies on deck who survived the close-in barrage of anti-personnel canon fire. Most of the gunners would have been sent on the boarding mission or will be dead already, but some will still be onboard.

6. Seize Control
Secure the gun deck and the powder magazine. The ship you have just boarded will be a skeleton crew, as most of it’s fighting force will be at the bottom of the sea along with our ship. Those onboard would consist of officers, navigators, riggers, tillermen and damage control engineers. Proceed with stealth and intelligence, as it is likely that the enemy officers are unaware of our force onboard their vessel. Assemble what remains of our crew and arm yourselves with whatever weapons you have available. Your mission will be to kill what remains of the enemy force and seize control of the ship to attempt to make an escape.

7. Escape or Death
If you are unable to seize control of the enemy ship, be prepared to go down with it. Man the cannons against the hatches just as you did on our vessel. Make your peace, and be prepared to die for Kul Tiras. Find comfort in knowing that there will be a lot more dead greenskins than Marines, and you have sent a very powerful message to our enemies - a message that may save the lives of other Marines in other battles. There are far worse fates than being pulverized in battle - being blasted to little pieces ensures that rotting she-dog Sylvannas won’t try to raise your broken body into one of her slaves and turn you against your fellow Marines.

You have served Kul Tiras, your people and your Marines with Honor and distinction. You have done your duty and served with Honor. Die well.