⚓ Kul Tiras Marines Field Manual, Chapter IV: The Marine Code of Honor

Excerpt from the Kul Tiras Marine Field Manual


A Marine must follow this Code under any and all circumstances. The Code provides direction for Marine life, duty, and honor.

Upon completion of their training and promotion from Naval Academy Cadet to full fledged Kul Tiras Marine Private, the new Marine shall recite the Oath of Enlistment as a Kul Tiras Marine:

" I, _______, do solemnly swear that I will honor and defend the Nation of Kul Tiras against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the Lord Admiral of Kul Tiras and the orders of the officers appointed over me in accordance with the Marine Code of Honor. Under the eternal Sky and boundless Sea, I swear it."


1. Protect the Homeland
The first priority of any Marine is the protection and preservation of Kul Tiras and the life of its citizens. We serve them and their lives give us meaning. If Kul Tiras falls, then there is nothing left for us to live for. For Kul Tiras!

2. Serve with Honor
Never let your actions be something that would stain the record of the Marines. The citizens are proud of the Marines and we should give them no reason to lose their faith in us. Let the Holy Light guide you, and may the Tides forever set you on the righteous path.

3. No Marine is Left Behind
Whether alive or in a flag draped casket, everyone comes home to Kul Tiras and the seas that are at the heart of who we are. From the mostly unseen supplier to the heroic warrior, every Marine’s life is weighed equally.

4. Always Be Prepared
The Marines are stationed on ships because the speed at which the Kul Tiras fleet can respond, Marines can be shipped out at a moments notice - always be ready for deployment and to enter action should Orders require you to do so.

5. Love the Sea
Kul Tiras can thank the sea for the great prosperity it has enjoyed over the ages. We receive many of our resources from it and it also serves as a natural defense. Never take the sea for granted and also be aware that it also holds many perilous dangers in its depths.

6. Always Follow Orders

The ability to accomplish our goals relies on our ability to execute orders without hesitation. No matter what your gut feeling is, carry out your orders with enthusiasm and determination. If the orders turn out to be wrong, the officer in charge who issued the orders will be the one to take responsibility. The Marines must function with the unflinching reliability of a well oiled dwarven machine and the precision of a gnomish pocket watch.

The only acceptable time to ignore the Sixth Tenet is if it violates the First.