KSM isn't account wide this tier?!?!?!

I’d like to get more KSM alts/carries who come into the group and tank it. Lets make that easier to do.

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Ugh. I didn’t know this. Well that sucks.

Has blizz commented on whether this was intentional? Doesn’t make sense that the valor upgrade unlocks were account-wide last season only to switch to this for the new season.

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Has blizz commented on whether this was intentional? Doesn’t make sense that the valor upgrade unlocks were account-wide last season only to switch to this for the new season.

It seemed to come out of nowhere. Blizzard never really said, and most of the community expected that it would more or less work like last season.

Hell, we were only just finding out about the score system in the last week(s) of the PTR, so it’s entirely plausible they never even tested it or intended it. It’s even possible they don’t even know about it.

Obviously another timegate to stop you getting geared too fast. I’m sure they’ll add a ‘hotfix’ for it in a few months lol.

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