Krienn's Kill List

I recently requested from Blizz the ability to be able to kill friendly players but I’m smart enough to know that being on the cutting edge means your genius goes unnoticed. Therefore, I have come up with a backup if Blizz does not meet my demands. Below is a list of players I wish the horde to kill for me. You will find the reasons for the kill listed beside the name along with a threat level. My goal is to restore a sense of justice to the community and ultimately unify us. I also wish to add that I am not a traitor. I’m an alliance master who has suffered greatly at the hands of these monsters. I’m not the monster here. I’m simply asking you to kill them all without mercy.

Darkez–Emerald Dream-- he said I don’t know how to play my character. He must die. High threat.

Rathane–she just has a really fiery temper and deserves to die. Very high threat.

Mizriz–where to start? He is a gnome and a huge jerk. Kill this creature. Low threat.

Xerxyou–Emerald Dream-- I call him jerkxar…I’ve been carrying him and telling him how to play his class since vanilla. He also calls me the B word, the C word, the P word and the D word and other bad words. He also called me a noob. Kill him. Very low threat.

Mistwidget–server unknown-- he’s literally the meanest guy you will ever meet. Kill him. Highest threat possible.

NJJ–Emerald Dream-- he called me a noob and said I’m not good at casting spells. Kill him. Extremely low threat.

Jelmo Duh-Huh–server unknown-- he said I don’t know how to play just because I lost a fight against a lvl 90 horde toon when I was 120. I obviously lagged out which was why I lost. Kill him. Medium threat.

Squeektoy-- she said I am not good at aiming in Overwatch. I responded that I don’t have time to aim you’re supposed to keep moving so they can’t hit you duh. Kill her. Low threat.

This list will expand…


I’ve already killed a few of them in the past.

Guess it doesn’t count now though.


Some new information has come to light and as I speak, I am hatching a plan for their ultimate demises…

cute thread

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I have to agree, some of these “player” don’t even really no life play the game. So when they do a nice death wish will learn them good

I’ll kill the gnomes.

I’ll even do it chea…

Oh. Hey squeaky, miz, mist. Didn’t see you there. Uh, oh no, I wasn’t planning on running MooDruid and hunting you. That’s just crazy talk. /nervouslaugh


I was going to make a smart comment but I dont want to be added to this list because I’ll literally forget and then wonder why I’m being camped when a war invasion isnt up.

Is there a price on these bounties ?

You got some pricey battle pets for if we get screenshots/clips of ganking them?

“Medium threat.” bah, I find that offensive! (also 90’s deserve to die if they have warmode on, just the way it goes!)

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Yeah! what gives? Not even a mention of the real Jelmo? pffft!

Play both sides if you have a list. I wish we could kill our teammates too.


Back when I played on a private server called wowbeez I had a bounty put on my head by the hordes. so I made a guild and call it WoWBeez Most Wanted move to retail took that name with me.

But I would be in the auction house in Iron Forge and 10 or more horde would show up to kill


Are people added for the sins they’ve committed since say… panda land times? If not then I’m in the clear.

Hey @squeektoy I’ll be your body guard for a small fee of 1mil.

I mentioned on another toon before, but Blizz should implement player created
bounties. What I mean is, I was questing in Hyjal on an alt and out of nowhere this 120 swoops in and kills me. No biggie, PvP happens. I rez, he kills me again. I wait a while and rez and he kills me a 3rd time. So I get on my 120 and go to the same spot. Well the guy is nowhere to be seen. Guess he got bored? I log back onto my alt and he kills me again.

Now what would be nice, is if I could place a bounty on his head. Let’s say 1000g to the man that kills my assaulter. It would be in the form of a debuff, and upon killing him the killer would be able to loot his body for the amount of gold that i’ve given up. Some people would see this as a challenge, and see how many people they could tick off to try and get the highest bounty and live, others will see this as a way of making gold in BFA in the form of bounty hunters. Would be nice to add some spice to our WPvP.


This would be pretty cool. Get bdm to start a poll.

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Look. I’m perfectly willing to contribute to the deaths of these monsters, and to bring this post full circle, I am going to list below the link to my original post to Blizz which I’m SURE they will read… in the meantime, find these monsters and hunt them down for me. I will even help you by luring them into an abandoned shipyard or something where I can watch while they are then thoroughly dismembered:)

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How much we talking here?

A cookie?
1 million dollars?
A mountain of (illicit substance)?
A handful of old lotto tickets?
TWO cookies?


I could do this for you.:joy: