Korraks every year?

That’s not what I remember. There was thread after thread on how much people hated it.

It was hilarious. The old script followers vs. the new script ‘innovators.’

You had the OG raiders who in chat said this or that is the way it should be done because it was the way they did it in vanilla MC. Sanctimonious bunch.

Then there was everyone else doing it the way it could be done because the game by WoD was so different than vanilla. DK deathgrip, pally and bear aoe tanks, and monk heals just to pick three random differences.

So of course the OG crowd was going to b****. lol

Throwing it in the brawl que would be fantastic as well.

Wow when does this event end?

Tuesday on restart

I for one love Korraks Revenge. I only missed the revenge quest on one toon. I did the quest after the event but Haggerdin does not appear in the new AV at all. Welp! :smiley:

Btw the vendors are still up for whatever reason. Get your unobtainables! :grinning:

I am hoping it becomes a more regular thing - once a year (or one time ever) would be very sad considering i) how fun it was and ii) how long players have been asking for old AV to return.

Korrak should be around all year IMO, integrated into the game. Maybe not the best way to level up, but I had a lot of fun doing it.