Was there any info on whether or not Korraks revenge is going to be a yearly Anniversary event ?
I’m praying it is. Two or three weeks in November every year would be perfect.
I hope so!
Wouldn’t be mad at it.
It’s a fun way to catch up those forgotten alts or newly created characters, so yes, that would be great!!
I just came back to the game… what exactly is KORRAKS?
Alterac Valley limited time event.
Super easy to level alts.
From 110-120 takes 7 games at most ( Winning)
You get a mount out of it like everything else in wow
But watch out as soon as them store mounts come out!
“This could’ve been a 1% drop that you repeatedly farm or a 20 minute quest chain!”
I’m a mount collector but I don’t like this current trend of “mount bloat” that’s going on.
Doubt it. It’ll probably go the way of the 10th Anniversary MC event.
But at least ancient AV gives the modern day devs a clue of what a lot of players want(ed) to do in-game. And I bet it was cheaper than a new raid. lol
Well, most people hated the MC event and probably only did it once for the mount.
Korrak’s Revenge was a huge success.
Its takes less than 7 games. More like 4 if you do the few quests that give you a buttload of XP.
Quest to kill Korrak;
Capturing a mine quest;
Capturing a tower (this one was annoying to get) quest);
… And I think there’s one more
That would be an awesome way to keep my alts leveled!!
It’s original Alterac Valley battleground. It’s designed for PvP, but it’s mainly for the Alliance to scream about how they are just there to level and avoid contact with the Horde
10th Anniversary MC was lots of fun. And popular. People were running it on different toons even after they got their mounts.
No it isn’t going to be a yearly event.
I can see why horde all think this is great but no I don’t want to see an event that is so one sided ever again.
It was not fun. Most people did it for the mount. If groups were not well coordinated on Magmadar (pup boss), a lot of time would be spent in there. I did it for the mount. I still have the cool pet you get in there as well .
No it isn’t going to be a yearly event.
I can see why horde all think this is great but no I don’t want to see an event that is so one sided ever again.
Just wait until Blizzard releases AV in BC Remastered. That’s when the tide began to shift in favor of Alliance.
It still wouldn’t be good. It actually affects people I think losing so much in a negative way.