Chavez - Human Paladin
Chaavez - Dwarf Priest
In vanilla I was in Disturbance. In BC, I ran a guild called Legacy with my brother (Jalvan - NE Hunter & Wrynn - Draenei Warrior) and I was in Dread for a little while at the end. I still play retail on Korgath, and I haven’t fully decided on a server for Classic yet.
Malathor: Human Priest. Drama. Playing again on Skeram.
Oh hi friend. What server are you playing on? A lot of the vanilla Reason folks are on Whitemane Alliance
Pstorm! Best mace spec rogue. Been a long time!
Elementology, Reason (duh)
Playing on Whitemane Alliance with a bunch of the Vanilla Reason people
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Trollshunter - Nelf hunter, was in Bobos House of Gank. Migrated to Steamwheedle Cartel and eventually settled on Gilneas. But, I still have a few toons on Korgath and for memories sake keep the Bobos guild alive. Started playing classic on Myzrael. This thread has brought back some amazin g memories from long past. Good luck and happy hunting to you all.
Corgathat, Dwarf Hunter the guild i was in was I see guppies i only remember justicelol
vhail(or) - played alliance paladin. currently playing a troll priest named krahe with some friends on blameaux
My name was Fruitbars.
I was an undead mage. I am looking for Shanaenaenae or Booloolooloo.
Cannot remember the guild I was in. Battle tag MEGAramiX#1136. Add me.
Wow this is crazy!
NE Rogue - Duffman. Where is my Reason squad at?!
Xand!! Element!!! WHAT IS UP?!?
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How can anyone forget the french warlock!! Sup Andi!! Reef still plays. I run into Nev too. I usually only play each new xpac and level all my toons to max then quit. Have a baby now so free time isn’t what it used to be. Everyone else I’ve never seen since the guild dissolved at the end of WoTLK.
Heya Treeba, played with you in Burning Sensations. Now on Benediction Horde side.
I’m late to the party but I was in The Unit from BC through Cata. I was a shaman named Synysterblu who is now Phewes. Also played a rogue name Korii. I remember running Gruul, Mag, SSC and TK with Misiu (?) leading, his wife was a priest. I actally remember you Connex as well as Karma, Sapira, Brudder. I played a lot with Raven (warlock).
In Cata I did Bastion and Blackwing with Misiu, Ocrugby, Raven, Palymcbeal.
Hey man! Been a long time. A few of us old BS people are still playing on Bigglesworth Alliance. Come say hi sometime!
Lupi, Human, Warlock
< ug >
Was hoping to find someone from ug, Beohram was the GM i think, main tank was Ala something, Khirsa was the lock officer, Liriel was some mage forgot his game name but there was a rogue, Joe!
Surprised so many people were still posting here as of December 19th.
A lot of names I know well and a lot that are quite familiar.
Hope you’re all doing well in classic.
Hey Blizzard just now, nearly a year later told me I had a reply! Add me on battle net Marquette Saej#1147
Any of you guys coming back for TBC?
Whitcomovich/Stephiki. Hunter/Mage/Rogue.
Played in Insomniax, Dread and then Hella Cute (although that was quite a bit later)
Probably going to go for Gladiator as a Warrior if anyone is looking to play.