Korgath Alliance Reconnections

Mystile - NE Rogue
Guilds - HexX in classic. Burning Sensations from BC onward :slight_smile:

already a few names i recognize :open_mouth:


Treeba - dwarf priest
Eventually Solia - draenei resto shaman
Guilds - Paragon, Vicious, Burning Sensations


Skavenchick/Celcie - Drama/Dread/Burning Sensation

Good to see you Treeba!

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Hey Abolita, I don’t know if you remember me, I used to be in .

Name was Harne, human warrior. Planning on playing vanilla! Hopefully there will be some other Reason people :smiley:

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Themanslayer - NE Warrior



I played on Korgath in the guild < Shadows Fall > as a gnome warlock Kodee and a draenei shaman named Solstce after BC launched.

There were a few people from that server I remember.

Are any of you guys playing classic? Or anyone else from that guild/friend group?

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Harne!!! -Candie

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Candie - Human Priest - Reason

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Candie! Woah, I’m getting a nostalgia blast right now

Hey Connex - I don’t remember you but memory serving I was in the core raid group of The Unit for all of BC and WotLK.

Dragnal (Drag) token Boomkin

Raiding back then was so good. I think about all those people and memories often. I’ll try to dig through my brain and list all the names that I can remember.

GM - Shadewen - I think he took over after his brother went to the military? God this is a long time ago.
Sapira - Rogue , Aurelius - Priest , Emraldfusion - Mage , Ankatharth - Priest , Karmakazi - Priest

I am missing so many that I am sure will come back to me thinking on it more. Let me know if anyone remembers me or others!


Oh man it has been awhile since The Unit and i haven’t seen Karmakazi is forever!!!

Name was Soulcrusher , human rogue that played with Auxillium through late vanilla to mid Burning crusade after burnout . The guild made it to brutallus in Sunwell and fell apart.

Murray - dwarf priest in a bunch of places, Hexx and Reason some others I can’t remember. Also played a shaman named Rerolled in BC. Not gonna play classic cause I still play live fairly regularly, just switched to Horde this expansion.


Blessthis - human priest from small guild KoZ. We transferred to Korgath late BC. Also played Judgethis(pally) and Pouncethis(druid).

Zardon and Ayiden, NE Rogue and Human Rogue. I was Guild Leader of Complaint Department, and we used to PUG Kara weekly during BC, so you may have heard me spamming chat Saturday mornings

Andarielle, Human Warlock, The Council Of Tirisfal.

Trying my luck here too, we transferred here from Warsong.

Still playing this crazy game :S

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Hey Harne and Candie!

A bunch of us old Drama Dread folks rolled on Harod PVP for Classic. Alliance of course. Join us!

Anyone from horde side < Resolve > still around? I remember the old days before the second transfer hit that we had some epic server pride BGs where <Vicious+Reason> vs < Resolve > was just the best.

Chel (UD Priest) and Negativa (UD Rogue) come to mind, but a few others that escape me.

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