Kobold Playable race?

I’ve been playing Hearthstone recently and kind of really like the whole E.V.I.L. group and their band of misfits. Squeamlish is this Kobold druid and she is hilarious in game which made me wonder why Kobold’s aren’t a playable race.

My question is do I have any support here? Does anyone think Kobold’s would be a cool race to play? Who would be their equal on the other faction or should they choose their faction like the pandaren?

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They sorta lack the intelligence and civilization level I would expect as basic requirements to be playable. Im sure they could make some like that, like the Hearthstone characters, but there isnt any currently that wouldnt just be a pest to deal with.

That aside, would it be fun and hilarious? Absolutely. Which means Blizz will never do it.

Not adding anything productive to the conversation here , but I loooove Squeamlish. :heart:


Those are good points. Kind of a bummer. Kobold’s won’t happen but StarCraft 2 Cartoon Edition is a thing. Makes me sad :confused:

I can take solace in I nearly expect Reforged to have a cartoon edition as well.

NO! NO! NO! I want a centaur race or a kitty race!

Considering how crazy our playerbase can be, I would think yes you would have some support

I think Gnolls would make a bit more sense. Kobolds dont seem to like other races at all and want to be left alone.
Gnolls are EASILY bribed with money, food, etc to work as mercs, body guards or even labor. Venture Co. has hired quite a few Gnolls to do their dirty work.

Could make them like pandas too, where both sides can hire some Gnolls as cannon fodder ;D

The only way I could see Kobolds working is if a third faction showed up… And that could get VEEERY messy very quickly gameplay wise :x

kobolds, gnolls, murlocs, furbolgs, ogres, etc

I’d love for some of the “creep” races to become playable, they’ve been around since WC3 afterall.

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We can bribe Kobold’s too I’m sure. I’ve seen loads of candles around Stormwind and Orgrimmar too lol.

Yeah it would be cool but I can also see how it’s a long shot. I’m sure devs are probably going to keep up on the whole “Allied Faction” races because it’s easier pushing similar models/races that already exist vs grabbing a new races all together

Murloc, Cursed Arrakoa, and Kobolds have my vote, in that order.


Are our candles made out of earwax too? If so, that might work!