[Known] macro conditional, please!

You can use macros already. I macro a lot of them with startattack

That’s great! I don’t think you understand my point though.

Yeah because what you want doesn’t make any sense.

Just put the rune ability on your action bar, they swap automatically when you change runes. Then just keybind that action bar slot.

you want the conditional macro based on whats currently equipped ya?

I understand what you mean. This would be very nice because you could then make one macro for all your glove slot runes instead of having to swap macros on your hotbar every time you swap runes.


Apparently there’s this (thanks for prompting me to poke around, since I had tried a few things, and had just resorted to commenting/uncommenting my macros):

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This guy gets it :slight_smile:

Thank you, that’s a step in the right direction :slight_smile:

They can’t even stop automatically putting junk on my bars when I change runes even if I already have a macro for the ability

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Meh, yeah… I played around with my macros, but wasn’t really happy with that either. It doesn’t display tooltips properly, and I ended up going back to just (un)commenting depending on what runes I’m using.


EDIT: I’m not sure what I was doing yesterday, but I don’t have any issues with this now.

As an example, I was able to simplify this macro where I’d use Mangle or Sunfire, depending on which rune I was using (and I’d have to move the comment # every time):

/cast [form:3] Mangle(Cat); [form:1] Mangle(Bear); 
#/cast [noform] Sunfire; Moonfire(Rank 1)

this becomes:

/cast Hands Rune Ability

Which is much nicer to read, and it doesn’t require any rework when I switch runes!

Adding access to the known conditional would be very useful for characters with runes that serve different roles. For ex., Priests have several runes that are either heal or DPS focused and it is common to use mouseover targeting macros for healing, but you don’t necessarily want that effect for the DPS runes – maybe, but not always.

For situations like this, it would be useful to have access to the known conditional to avoid @mouseover targeting inadvertently being applied to a cast when certain runes are activated vs others where you do want it to work that way.

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Something like
/use hands rune ability
Try to google it

The closest I have found to what you are asking, and it still requires a slight modification is:

/use [mod:alt]Innervate;
#/use [@mouseover,harm][@target,harm][]Starsurge;
/use [@mouseover,help][@target,help][]Lifebloom;

where you just have to remember to move the # depending upon which rune is activated.

Found an update today that answers this concern. Under the hood the different spells are associated with the slot so the above macro becomes:

/use [mod:alt]Innervate;
/use [@mouseover,harm][@target,harm][]Legs Rune Ability;

So now whatever is runed to your hands will be cast with this macro. Same works for the other slots, Legs/Chest/etc.

Found an update today that answers this concern. Under the hood the different spells are associated with the slot so the above macro becomes:

/use [mod:alt]Innervate;
/use [@mouseover,harm][@target,harm][]Legs Rune Ability;

So now whatever is runed to your hands will be cast with this macro. Same works for the other slots, Legs/Chest/etc.

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I’m still hoping we’ll get [known:].

For feral druids, for example, “/use Hands Rune Ability” works fine for Mangle and Lacerate, but if I use the Sunfire rune it doesn’t work correctly because you have to macro “/use Moonfire (Rank1)” to use Sunfire in cat or bear form (for whatever reason).

Another example is classes that have runes that can give both passive effects or abilities. Example for warrior Hands Rune Ability: Victory Rush (ability), Endless Rage (passive), Devastate (passive), Single-Minded Fury (passive), Quick Strike (ability). Runes that are passive’s will end up just being a useless button on your action bar.

I would much rather be able to do something like this:
/use [known:Quick Strike]Quick Strike;[known:Victory Rush]Victory Rush;Heroic Strike

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This would be incredibly useful, not only for runes but also talent abilities. For example:

/cast [known:Mortal Strike] Mortal Strike; [known:Bloodthirst] Bloodthirst; [known:Shield Slam] Shield Slam 

All of these abilities are mutually exclusive depending on the spec, and with SoD encouraging respecing this becomes really useful so you don’t have to constantly fix you action bar when respecing.

On the topic of runes you could also make something like this:

#showtooltip [known:Devastate,worn:Shield] Hands Rune Ability; [worn:Shield] Sunder Armor; Heroic Strike 
/cast [worn:Shield] Sunder Armor; Heroic Strike 

This will make the macro show the Devastate icon instead of the Sunder Armor icon when all of the criteria for Devastate is meet (Have the rune and a shield equipped). And if the player doesn’t even have a shield equipped then it will show and cast Heroic Strike instead.

Another rune macro that I would find useful is:

/cast [known:Quick Strike] Hands Rune Ability; Hamstring 

This will make the macro a rage dump (windfury proc) ability and cast Quick Strike if the Quick Strike rune is equipped and fall back to Hamstring if the Quick Strike rune is not equipped.

And my favorite, this would probably be the most useful warrior macro in SoD:

#showtooltip Charge
/cancelaura [noknown:Warbringer] Bloodrage
/stopmacro [noknown:Warbringer,combat]
/cast [noknown:Warbringer] Battle Stance
/cast Charge

This will cancelaura Bloodrage (due to it forcing combat) and stance switch only when the Warbringer rune is not equipped. It’s using [noknown], which is just the inverse of [known], to check if the rune is not equipped.

I see no reason to not include this feature into SoD or Classic WoW, it’s a really good Quality of Life and doesn’t allow automation. You can’t change runes or spec in combat anyway. It’s really annoying having to change and fix your action bar when trying out or experimenting with new specs and rune combinations.

What I think is the reason why it’s not in SoD is because this feature came with Dragonflight and Classic WoW is using an older client from BfA. My guess is that backporting this feature didn’t cross their mind (they did backport the new settings menu from Dragonflight and a bunch of Lua API changes though).

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Ooh, I love your examples :slight_smile: This would be a great QoL upgrade for many classes I think!

Blizzard, thank you for listening and implementing this in sod! Much appreciated!