Knight-Captain "Requred"

I understand the transmog for Season 1 / 2 avaliable from Netherstorm Classic sets you really need to have played during classic. Looking at the sets for the Replica Grand Marshal’s set and the Replica Knight-Captain’s set both say “Must Achieve Knight-Captain rank in rated Battlegrounds to purchase.”
Many people on WoWhead say you can no longer get these sets and can no longer get the Achievement, is this true? Is there any way around it?
If I participated in PvP now would I be able to get the transmogs?
If I participated in Pvp in WoW Classic, would I be able to get the transmogs and them transfer to retail?
These are really cool Transmog Items but seems really sad to have them still available in game if we cannot get them at all.

You can’t do pvp in wow classic and transfer over items. You must reach 1800 in RBGs to get the transmogs.

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You get 1.8k in retail rbgs and unlock them

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