KJ Finally Down- I got Thoridal!

How many KJ kills you got?

The fact that an arms warrior is beating you on dmg in any of the fights in SWP is hilarious.

Once again, I outperform you on EVERY raid tier and your raid team is better.

Sure my First kill wasn’t great, but like history has shown I OUTPERFORM you EVERY raid tier, this tier will be no different.

Twins: You are doing over 300 less dps than an arms warrior :rofl:
KJ: You do 50% the dps of an arms warrior :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Last phase: You don’t even have a top 50 rank parse
Last phase: I hold several(and not even meta glaive kebab)

I think you are confused about what outperform means

You’re talking to the dude that pays real money to get items from his guild, which also buys gold.

Obviously he parses like a h player kekw

You’re still seething that a player who doesn’t take part in GDKPs is getting geared, huh??

Once again go compare our parses of each phase when it was current you lose

I don’t care what you think you have you still lost to a person in a worse raid team.

I can’t believe this cringelord came to this thread to actually seethe about GDKP and flex with these cringe parses.

If I keep cringing like this I might get facial paralysis like Justin Bieber.


And he loses every raid tier to me lmfao.

Sure his raid group is better but individually he loses to me every single raid tier rofl.

This hunter wasn’t even able to break 1.5k dps on KJ

:rofl: :rofl:

Didn’t ask

You objectively perform worse than me each phase:

I can give you some tips on how to clear SWP, since it appears you are stuck.

At least you killed Brut week 1!

I have cleared already, you can shove it up your tips

It’s funny how people try to lie about these things with publicly available information:

That is because I killed on my prot pally, since our Prot pally couldn’t raid.
It is funny how some low life people like your ilk will try to demean others based on things that you don’t know. If you at least checked that the guild is already 6/6 you would’ve spared yourself the embarrassment.

I’m seeing only 6 Kills Brut and max 4 kills Twins, with 1 kill felmyst, and 2 Muru. Why so inconsistent(only 1 KJ kill on this “alt”)? You came into the thread calling people trash, then turn around and get offended that I checked your parses.

Your parses per phase.

BT/MH phases.

Phase 3.5 and 4 Your best is 97.2 and median is 87.2, my best is 97.4 and 92.7.

Phase 3 your parses are Best at 88.1 and median at 76.6 my parses are Best at 92.8 and median at 82.5.

SSC/TK phases.

Phase 2.5 your best is 90.0 your median is 83.5 my best is 93.1 and median is 89.4.

Phase 2 Your best was 94.6 and median was 80.3 and my best was 97.4 and median was 92.6.

You literally lose every single phase to me in performance and your raid team is better, how much you pay them to carry you???

:popcorn: :popcorn:

Well this thread got derailed fast.

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I call you trash because that is who you are.
Keep digging, making questions, inconsistent numbers, whatever, at the end of the day, when you go to sleep, you will know that you are nothing more than trash.

Also, that is your best comeback? You just got O W N E D at your own argument.
Wanted to play the superior and got your tips shoved up in your own.

I cleared SWP, and yes, I killed KJ on my alt. What are you gonna do? Are you gonna cry to mom and dad?

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Some loser can’t just come in and say grats he gotta try to trash talk when he gets dumpstered on every phase.