Kitty Druids F tier dps

When you’re playing in the 20th percentile I’m going to guess that all the rotations are going to be hard for you.

Yea, there are honestly tons of specs with complicated openers in cata. Demo has a lot of summoning and dismissing pets involved in it.

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Demonology Warlock:

  • Priority List: Keep Curse of the Elements, Immolate, Bane of Doom, and Corruption active. Utilize Hand of Gul’dan and Shadowflame when they are available.
  • Rotations: Two rotations are viable: Incinerate Rotation and Shadow Bolt Rotation (with the latter being more challenging to execute).
  • Cooldowns: Complexity is increased by managing cooldowns such as Metamorphosis and Demon Soul.

Feral DPS Druid:

  • Priority List: Ensure Faerie Fire, Mangle, Rake, and Rip are maintained. Activate Tiger’s Fury and Berserk as they become available.
  • Bleeds: It is essential to keep bleeds like Rake and Rip up at all times.

To summarize, Feral DPS Druids have a rotation that is more complex due to the management of multiple bleeds, buffs, and combo points. While Demonology Warlocks also have a complex rotation, it is less intricate than that of Feral, focusing more on cooldown management.

Neither of those are openers, though

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Yeah I was doing some research on lock when I was considering fury and heard that they had a similar pre-pull ritual lol.

He used AI to produce that too lol

Hitting a gear change button is hard in Cata aparently.

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I mean it’s so difficult for you collect gear for an offspec that it must be harder than doing your rotation. Which you also struggle with.

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Warrior provides Mangle and the feral OT (or one of your caster druids can) provide FF so you don’t include those as a feral dps.

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/shrug you refuse to play a different class.

It’s essentially like having a complete third set, especially if the feral druid is also assembling their tanking set. Thus, a druid would need to have three complete sets, not just two.

They advise us to play a different class or spec, yet they won’t follow their own advice, which is essentially the definition of hypocrisy.

I mean why would I? I like warrior, sucks that fury takes so much effort to be bad but I enjoy arms so it’s nbd.

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Good glad your having fun. Feral need a buff!!!

  • Have Mastery gear on, with Elixir of the Master on. Have Felguard out
  • Press your meta macro
  • Precast Sbolt and cast Immo. If at far enough range, you can get both to land same time. Sometimes I opt to just pop Meta macro at 2sec and immediately Immo precast. Someone who’s better than me can break that down more.
  • Send Felguard in and let him Felstorm while I Corruption/Doom while running toward the boss to get in Sflame/Immo Aura range then Immo Aura. Demon Leap is great to clear the gap as well if you want. I Hand of Guldan once boss is in position. Sometimes happens before the DoT’s, sometimes after. Someone can chime in on what’s best.
  • Once you get your trinket/Cloak/Weapon proc I send Doomguard on most fights. Some fights I hold DG, like on Halfus or Synestra for example, but generally I rip it pretty close to on pull. I also have to resnap Doom. (Unsure if it’s just better to just hold Doom until procs/CD’s, but I typically just do it out of habit at this point.)
  • Pull Felhunter out with a pre-pull soulburn to save a global
  • Spam Shadow Bolts, while waiting to reapply Corruption/Doom/Sflame and for Molten Core procs, then use Incinerate for those three procs.

This is the demo opener, the rotation after this isnt so bad but the dismissing felguard after felstorm is annoying and everything is pretty precise

Personally I think it’s pretty hypocritical to ask for buffs to one spec, then say that other specs that could also use buffs should just re-roll/play a different spec in their class. Thats just me, though.

Feral rotation is easy even suggesting anything about rotations shows how bad you are.

Well considering that the only two classes/specs Feral Druids are outperforming in raids are Frost Mage and MM Hunter, both PvP specs. Meanwhile, other PvP specs are surpassing Feral in PvE content, as well as Blood DKs. This shouldn’t be happening, and that’s the issue we’re highlighting.

The spriest opener is another annoying one, too tbh. Theres like 7 setup globals before you can apply dots and at that point your trinkets are about to run out/have ran out most of the time. Makes it pretty hard to line everything up.

Feral classes do not have a rotation; instead, they follow a priority list. A rotation is defined as a sequence of attacks used in a specific order without variation, whereas a priority list is dynamic and changes constantly.

Again, you are speaking on something you have zero knowledge of. So if you would please refrain from trolling, that would be much appreciated. Thanks.

But feral is the best pvp spec in the game atm, with MM coming in as a close 2nd. Frost is below both of these and sees almost no representation at the top of the ladder.

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Almost every class operates on a priority list… feral isn’t unique in this. The feral rotation isn’t hard.

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