Kitty Cats. Spec for reaping or spec for boss?

That’s definitely the common wisdom, and if not outright valid there’s at least some validity to it.

Just wonder if it could be the wrong wisdom to follow with a class that can do so much better at ST than AOE.

Would be nice if there were some numbers to back things up. How much time spent on bosses vs. trash. How much time an aoe spec can save on trash pull vs. a ST spec on a boss.

Just do what I did. Go through each boss in the dungeon list and ask yourself, “Is there something that will proc Predator this fight?”
Fights like:
Gorak Tul, Sand queen, Yazma, The golden serpent, Vol’zith, Captain Lockwood, Viq’Goth, Avatar, Azerokk, Unbound Abomination, Raal… I can go on.

Thats just a few of the bosses that proc Predator, yet… every single day I keep seeing people talk about Single Target as though it pertains to all bosses .

Im not even talking about trash or reaping here.

I cannot say this enough


Repeated for emphasis


Why is this not clear to everyone?

15% damage buff to ALL attacks with a massive crit buff from Jungle fury ranging from 60-100-% of the fight (no to mention all the extra energy)
20% damage to ONE spell.

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3 minute fight your going to get 6 TF’s without the talent. With the talent you lose 20% off all Your FB’s and you lose 6 FB’s having to re-up your rip.

On a boss fight where an add dies every 15 seconds I can see predator working. But just losing the 6FB’s? that can be half million damage right there.

I haven’t done a single target test with an AOE build in a while but If I recall it’s a substantial loss. Unbuffed with out berserk I’m at 16-17DPS. Think it drops to under 10 with an AOE build and over 20 with with raid buffs and berserk.

But it’s some food for thought. Definately need to give the talent another look and see if I can make work well.

Do I lose 6 bites though?

With predator I’m able to maintain almost 100% up-time on Jungle fury. Massive crit rate = more CP generation. More CP = more Bites. Theres also all that extra energy we get from TF. More energy = more attacks = more CP. Its hard to determine just how many that is using napkin math, but you’ve definitely overlooked that part.

Further more, the 100% uptime on TF means 15% damage buff to ALL my attacks, making up for that “half million damage”, if not more so.

Im not debating that Sabertooth isnt superrior on single target fights. What Im trying to convey is that in an M+ dungeon, single target fights are not very common.

Choosing a ST spec for an environment that is heavily AOE focused is simply ill advised.

As my boy Illidan said, “you are not prepared”

Edit: You’re as equally geared as I am. Im running M+ with an aoe build, and never once have I seen numbers as low as 10k on a purly ST fight. Either your sims are wrong you youre doing something wrong.

Anecdotal evidence is anecdotal…

Telling people to spec for aoe because mythics are mostly aoe is remedial at best. Grouped with an outlaw and havoc? That single target will help out a lot more than the aoe. Certain affixes, ST is more important. Grouped with a couple ST classes, then sure.

It’s situational at best, and sims don’t lie.


I dont care what you think.

According to your lover, they do lie.

The fact that you don’t grasp what’s actually being said, speaks volumes.

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I dont care what you think.

Enough you responded instantly… love the irony of internet buffoons.

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I could see you replying… it took you almost 20 minutes to come up with that small meaningless reply. lol. I also get notifications once you were finally able regurgitate a response.

I was underwhelmed.

I can see you replying again… before you hurt yourself. i need you to ask youself this question…

"Do I have anything meaningful to add to this discussion or am I just being a fool?

I wasn’t on the forums, I was running dailies and checked when finished. Of note, I notice you didn’t respond to the fact you don’t even understand the post you quoted. It’s comical quite honest given how you pretend to know what you’re talking about. Find Drez, maybe he’ll be nice enough to explain it to you.

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Ran a sim comparing builds and this was my result:
Pred/MoC/PW = 22,195 dps
SbT/BT/BS = 19,580
SbT/BT/PW = 20,779

My best advice is the following in order of importance

  1. Do whats more fun. Pred smoothes out gameplay gripes people have with energy pooling although it worsens it during bosses
  2. If you have a lot of crit & mastery (nearing ~30/60%) FB tends to be a lot of your damage so it may make SbT more appealing
  3. If you have more haste than most (~15-17%?) The DPS loss of pred on boss fights becomes less detrimental
  4. At the end of the day, all people look at are DPS meters and a dumb ammount of damage can be pumped during reaping so if your goal is to pad out meters Pred is usually pretty good

I’m not doing 15’s or anything just a 3rd of the way done running all the dungeons on 10+ in feral so take this with a grain of salt, just things I’ve noticed (usually sitting around 23-24k overall). End of the day, just sim your char.

Will I get different results if I sim my character in the morning?

lol jk

Isn’t there traits that do really minor changes during day n night? Like 5% movespeed or something?

Might actually change the numbers lol

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The fact that you don’t grasp people have different gear, and therefore will get different results, says as much as you not grasping what you linked from Drez earlier.

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I count 22/41 bosses will not proc predator in any way that will help kill the boss. So…

I count 23 that will, 26 if you cheese the mechanics. (Irontide Grenadeir on harlan for example. or the Blood ticks on cragmaw if people dont step on bugs)

will you 2 just get a room already

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Ima go ahead and compile a list of the bosses that will proc Predator in dungeons in case people were wondering:
Priestess Alun’za - yes
Vol’kaal- No
Rezan- Yes, if you are accidentally running over the purple patches, which you shouldn’t be unless you’re deliberately trying to proc Pred. Not sure how viable this is at really high keys when things start becoming dangerous.
Yazma- yes
Sky Captain Krag- no
Council 'o captains - Yes, but since it is simply a duo boss by the time you kill one a normal TF would probably be coming off cd soon, or recently come off cd anyways.
Ring of booty - no
Harlan Sweete - no
King’s Rest
The Golden Serpent - yes
Mchimba the Embalmer - no
Council of Tribes - yes
Dazar, the First King - yes
Shrine of the Storm
Aqu’sir- Yes, although I’m kind of iffy on this one because by the time you kill the first add I feel like a normal TF would be coming off cd soon anyways. So yea probably getting a little bit more TF with Pred but not much.
Tidesage Council - Yes, but another duo fight. See explanation above.
Lord Stormsong - no
Vol’zith the Whisperer - yes
Siege of Boralus
Sergeant Bainbridge - yes
Dread Captain Lockwood - yes, not a fan of the timing for it on that boss though
Hadal Darkfathom - no
Viq’Goth - yep
Temple of Sethraliss
Adderis and Aspix - mostly no since they die near the same time anyways
Merktha - yes
Galvazzt - no
Avatar of Sethraliss - yes
coin - no
Azerokk - yes
Rixxa - no
Mogul Razdunk - yes, but when you kill the adds theres a fun little mini game you have to do before you get to fight the boss again which wastes alot of TF potential
The Underrot
Elder Leaxxa - yes
Cragmaw the Infested - no
Sporecaller Zancha - no
Unbound Abomination - yes
Tol Dagor
the sand queen - yes
Jes Howlis - tons of adds on this fight, but you’re priority is the boss so I’m gonna say no.
Knight-Captain Valyri - no
Overseer - no
Waycrest Manor
Heartsbane Triad - technically yes but the 3 bosses die at nearly the same time so I’m gonna say no.
Soulbound Goliath - Not sure if the roots counts as a add? Gonna say no.
Raal - yes
Lord and Lady - no
Gorak Tul - yes