Kirin Tor Alliance Reconnections

I used to play with your dad in vanilla, forgot the guild we were in but tell him the NE Warrior Skit says hi!

Used to play on this toon all the time with my dad (hunterofbarney) and mom (whitemoon) can’t remember the name of the guild we were in though.

Hello! I played a human Mage named Taylor and a Night Elf Druid named Adrise. I was in the guild Lost Twilight and Relentless Dawn. I’ll be playing classic & I’m currently still playing live on Adrise


Hello Shortie, I remember you. So what happened to MI guild well new gleader took over from umm forgot her name, been so long anyways the new gleader back in 2015 quit game and boot everyone out of guild including me and she never came back from begaining of Legion. I still play WoW, just got pathfinder 2 unlocked a month ago for bfa.

I was a kid playing and one day you were attacking Brill with a rogue colleague. That memory still remains with me today. You were awesome.

Ueteka and Crypte were the original G leaders if I recall correctly.
I remember Leahyv/Warmages aswell.

I used to play a Night Elf druid named Anoragon in Kaldorei Kartel. Also did alot of PVP with a few Grand Marshals and high ranked guys.

I remember you. :slight_smile: That was a fun guild.

Alcohnuacat-Human Warrior
Guilds: Excelsius and Veratus Fatali something like I dont remember lol

Hellrealm- Gnome Warlock
Guild: I dont remember as well.

Hey man its Alchohnuacat

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Ellistrae Dominique - midget of doom (pink haired gnome warlock)

Used to rp all over the place, can’t remember guild name but hung out with people like soullen, virgiil, thaid, milinka, lianli, kaeldan and his old man and their guild.
Plenty of others but names escape me and halff of those listed I still keep in contact with.

Say hi if you remember me.

Played a Feral Druid before it was cool lol Ravenlord was in Deathwish and Fallen Angels.

I used to play on a few different servers but Kirin Tor was where I started off. I used to play at Druid named Starlyr. Not sure what connections I have still here but it’ll be cool to chat it up with those i used to know.

Hey all! Back in Vanilla (and through BC) I played this character on Kirin Tor, was in a guild called Knights and Weekends for a while. Although it’s many years and a few server/guild changes later, I’m still going strong!

Not sure if I’m going to dive back into Classic full throttle, but it’d be great to see some friends from the past on here. Cheers!


My character’s name was Tarron / Human / Warrior.

Would love to hear from anyone I use to roleplay with back in the day.

Can find me on Wrymrest Accord currently on either Adzalu (H), Provoker (A), or Tarron (A).


Used to play on this character, Ulfredin, and was in this guild, Supreme Knights. Still am :wink:
Wondering if any of the old crew come back, Mystichealer, Anthoras, Belgriffen, Aragwen, Shirimala, Sunev, the list goes on.

I used to raid with Dark Titans as well iirc, Ashadion, Haze, Sylata etc?
We also teamed up with Built Horde Tough I think to do ZG and MC? Skuldvar and crew?

I remember you… Also played with Talasis, Cordi and Ractome to name a few. I used to be alliance, same character name as this one.

The last person I played was Belski. The last guild I was in was Relentless Dawn.

This would be the same toon with a different name and server.

Molenkye balance/restoration Druid. Lead the guild Windwalkers on Kirin tor alliance side. Than later Anomaly on Alliance and horde. With my shaman Taitum/charity/Shepard. She went through a few names. Still playing on my shaman and hunter. Add my battle tag and pst me if you wanna catch up. Shepard#11140 or Charity on Kirin tor. Let’s get ready for the Garabashi arena and fight with fishing poles to the death.