Kinetic energy and cooking a chicken

If Kinetic energy is converted into thermal energy how hard do I have to slap a chicken to cook it?

Answer: 1 average slap would generate a temperature increase of 0.0089 degrees Celsius, it would then require 23,034 average slaps to cook a chicken …OR to cook it in one slap you would have to slap it with a velocity of 1665.65 m/s or 3725.95 mph


Seems like a bit of inhumane way to cook a chicken, but to each their own I suppose.


Is it odd that I actually am not surprised a gnome would know this?


They have to choose opponents their own size and weight class.


Hitting a wall at 1665.65 m/s is probably about as humane way to go as any. especially if the chicken is looking the other way.


from my very rudimentary understanding of physics you would not be able to cook a chicken this way because the majority of your energy will remain kinetic and therefore the chicken will probably explode from the force of the slap before it heats up and cook right


A gnome is similar in size to a chicken, eh?

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Would you be legally required to say “Kahhmehaaameehhaaa” before the single slap?


Too bad that they taste like brussel sprouts.

The postulate here assumes that all of the kinetic energy is automatically converted to thermal energy.

It’s unrealistic in the extreme to begin with, so ignoring the limits of actual reality is a given.


Not from what I have heard by many of the forumgoers

If this were even true it would only cook in the exact spot of energy transfer.

The chicken needs to get out more.

A truly excited about the possibly, but would it get cooked if it was running in circles?

Someone slap a chicken 23.000 times and post results.


Well at least now we know how he got to the other side of the road

Probably just astroturfing from the Gnomergan Tourism and Nutrition board. Those little buggers are always trying to get a little higher up the food pyramid.

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Tell that to the people of Nagasaki …E=MC2

Hmm if we connected the chicken to a seasoning rig that applied 1 grain of salt per salty wow forum post how long would it take before the chicken was no longer consumable?


Give it a couple of minutes.

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Only a gnome could create a thread like this.
For Gnomeregan!!

By the way i invite you to check this thread of mine, i think that you could be interested.

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