Kind of a Big Deal | Fairbanks | Alliance | Sun/Mon, 7 to 11 p.m. PST

Ill check you out

That’s what she said

The dawn of the 9th day begins.

And now my watch goes interminably on

Guild meeting tomorrow night! Lets get some new recruits in before then!

Let’s gooooo,c ome fill out our roster.

Good morning :slight_smile:

Morning Gaffa

Last guild meeting before release is tonight. Come hang out if you want to see what we’re about!

Come check us out tonight!

Yeah come hang out with us tonight in d i s c o r d

Guild meeting is about to start if anyone wants to come check us out :)! We are very e x c i t e

We need some more Warrior beats

Come join us boys and girls!!

Guild meeting was great last night! Lots of community involvement, this week is gonna be so slow!

Need launch naooo!!

We’ve reached peak one week to release

Only 5 more work days until classic

Rawr x3 nuzzles how are you pounces on you you’re so warm o3o

OwO what’s this?