Kind of a Big Deal | Fairbanks | Alliance | Sun/Mon, 7 to 11 p.m. PST

I finally went to bed.

I can’t say enough about how great the community is here at King of a Big Deal. If you’re looking for a Guild to stay with and experience classic content, we’d love to hear from you!


(Said in the tone of Archer)

Do you like to play hard on a limited schedule? Come chat with us.

The goal of this guild is to have encounters take fewer frostbolts each iteration.

This is correct.

Is it? Is it really?

Well, I could be wrong… But I believe diversity is an old wooden ship used in the Civil War.

What is Diversity for $1,000, Alec?

Where’s all the dps at?

I’d be an hour late come raid time ><. I get off work at the time the raid starts lol

That’s ok you can just quit your job

Quit what job?

Come join us! We’re Kind of a Big Deal!

Our mothers’ basements smell of rich mahogany.

But no one cares about our books.

I’m sure Someone cares about them!

Nope. Noone cares!

Ricky Bobby didn’t care. Look what happened to him.
