WTB 1(one) amazing priest
Priests are my favourite Benediction wielding class
Priests are also my second-favorite Benediction wielding class.
is it really only 3 more days?!
HECK yes!!
Moar apps pls
up up up thank you!
Let’s turn Fairbanks into Fairganks guys! Get those apps in!!!
1 Like
Wait. Ganking is never fair. Oh the irony.
Banks are never fair either.
I lost my house to a bank.
Only two more days, boys and girls!
I just ate two hot dogs.
We’d love to see your application, come apply to join our team!
Less than 48 hours to launch!
why are you so difficult?
best guild na
You looking to lock up a guild pre-launch? Look no further!
Put in your apps! Community is growing by the day!
C o m m u n i t y!