Killsaw / Toy needs to be looked into

Killsaw’s spawn is connected to killing Sawblade Clearcutters, but there are times where Ive killed hundreds and no spawn. Today, Ive seen almost every rare respawn before Killsaw spawned a single time. Please just consider making it a timed spawn or drastically increase the spawn chance. This is the most frusturating rare to farm. You could also just increase the toy droprate since, ya know, its a toy, not a mount or anything.

Feel free to read wowhead comments on this issue too. Just because Im the only one complaining doesnt mean there isnt an issue.


If only I can Super upvote this post to get it featured

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Day 114 since 8.2 released. Still farming for a toy… a toy… no seriously, ive been farming this long for a toy. not a mount, a toy. do you really think this is good design?

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Did it keep you logged in? Mission Accomplished.

Just got it to drop the 2nd day i tried to get him on an alt! Maybe an alt has better chance than my main… I was just like you, farming it everyday since 8.2… Horrific experience, especially with Call to arms and WM on, lost 2 killsaws to the horde after i kill a ton of Sawblade Clearcutters, only to have Hordies kill me when killsaw was at 50%, they killed me and resetted the boss, then tagged the rare themselves, just nice when they were flying by… Moral of the story? Off WM or use your alts man!