Kill Shot needs a clear nerf

LnL gives you 3 shots. trap KS trap KS KS. used in melee range ofc

If you pre trap before engaging in a fight you only have to go KS trap KS KS for 3 shots but zg trinket is still just KS KS KS, 1 less global.

Let them be Legolas; one-tap kills, for once! :frowning:

The hunter 2.5 set is entirely set around KS so it’s not getting changed

ya but it’s a mortal strike… your healing debuff arguably is more important than it doing 2k damage in most team fights.

It can be changed to procc only in PvE like they did with Druid debuff and Rogue backstab extra damage.

Don’t think anyone has forgotten about 2.5k Explosive traps

with how much discussion there was around the hunter 2.5 tier set in the hunter discord, there’s probably a very low chance they change it AGAIN. It went through like 4 stages of nerfs already.

pve gear is miles better than r13 thats why sod pvp is trash

Dont forget that hunters AQ tier bonus is +50% killshot dmg.

no it is not lol.

Definitely not at all. In BGs, stam gear is required or you die too fast. Right now its rank gear, but I’d imagine most people who still actually want to play SoD PvP(god knows why) will just swap to full STV items + AQ 40 items + rank 14 weapons

better nerf shaman first. hunters a small issue and seriously the gaslighting on it is mental.

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They reverted that change luckily. it will do 20% more damage on mobs 2pc.

I’m gonna keep tweeting Zirene about this until something’s done cause this is early Shaman/Boomkin level of OP.

enjoy getting blocked by that clown.
the devs have been shameful if anything on twitter.

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i mean it really isn’t, you coulda done stuff to prevent the initial post.

I do think the aq40 4 piece will be interesting and will prob need some sort of pvp work around. but yea your initial post shows you dying to a string of crits over 5 seconds and simply pressing limited invul potion counters it entirely.

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That I believe, Sir :stuck_out_tongue:

I get it mate, you play a hunter and you dont want your class nerfed. your argument to balance it out is to use a 2 min invulnerability potion is kind of admiting it is OP. Shall i wait 2 min to engage again after I used it as well?

I have a Hunter myself and I know how easy it is to just LnL, ks, LnL, ks, ks. if 2 of them crit they are getting deleted as cloth/leather. I just wasn’t aware of the Renataki trinket that also give you 2 KS without getting a CD.

I want you to record some gameplay of you playing verse things you think you counter / get countered by. I want to see how you played. I’m sure the devs who you harass on twitter would also LOVE the visuals instead of a very vague typed out post of your death log.

Also, nothing is hard to play in SoD and I could care less if things get nerfed or buffed in pvp because I’m well aware SoD isn’t balanced around pvp, if I genuinely wanted to play classic pvp id log into era. Historically hunters have countered mages where deadzones don’t exist. So are we really surprised that mage is probably countered by this build?

I’m all for nerfing ‘non-counterable’ pvp that is blatantly broken. But kill shot isn’t one of those lol (again maybe with 4p AQ40 my opinion will change). Hunters in phase 1 having high resist pets that were hitting harder than anyone, that’s way worse than a player controlled physical attack that can be countered.

Classic pvp has never been balanced and has always bounced back on consumables + profs to make it more manageable, so in a scenario where a hunter has full CDs vs a Mage who also has full CDs you’re expected to counter things with outside resources that aren’t specifically attached to your class. In this case, LiP and Engineering counter hunter CDs if played correctly.

But sure, keep crying for nerfs on a forum that devs probably don’t read because of the overwhelming amount of stupidity and lack of critical thinking.

You are right, that’s why I tweet them too.

The problem is mages getting crit for 3k from kill shot. It’s not critting everyone for 3k it’s usually 1400-1800 vs other armor types. Mage is the outlier lol. Btw ice lance does more damage to mail and plate than killshot does.

another shaman mad they actually died in pvp

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