Kil'Jaeden Alliance Reconnections

Blackmagik - Human Paladin
PK (Professional Killers), Genesis
Had a few other toons I played on but this was my main.

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jesus, Ja is a name I haven’t heard in a loooooonnnnnnnnngggggggggg time.

Jekyl 60 night elf priest zephyros

Into, dwarf paladin, <Reason>

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Hey Element, where are you rolling?

Sarpedon, Human Warrior!

Guild: Blazing Aces Mercenaries.

Hit level cap towards the end of Vanilla and joined BAM. Stuck with them throughout TBC.

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Is this the Khai from Blazing Aces Mercenaries by chance? Sounds awfully familiar to me.

Greybackwolf! A name I haven’t heard in many moons… we played together in BAM during TBC. Glad to see you’re still around!

Pinchy. Night Elf Rogue. And His Amazing Friends and Natural Horde Killers. Let the salt flow

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you mean Sacapuntas?!?! I was with them in Pariah I think. Worfin was my hunter.

Worfin NE Hunter that was in Pariah. Where are my pvp group buddies Calimdan, Niikon, Vulcan, Tensaiga and sooo many more. Amnesiac, Vulcan, Sacapuntas and Meekjonez to name a few

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Wow Duende…how could you forget me!!! WORFIN THE LEADER OF THE PVP GROUP

I was Synfoe NE hunter in Doom Has Come.

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calimdan :sunglasses::heart_eyes:


Passa, Night Elf druid.
Guild: Planewalkers

Not sure yet! I’ve reserved my name on Fairbanks, Whitemane, and Herod so far.

Jenyo - Night Elf Druid
Teamslack > Sanctus De Noctum > Reason
Nomadd - Gnome Warrior
Water Thunder Fire > Sanctus De Noctum > Reason

/wave Orbi, Temari, Novain, Element


HOLY SH*T NOONIE!??!?! IS THIS REAL LIFE?!?! Yes, Duunn played with us and Dico/Deecho was my IRL friend that got me into WoW in the first place. We used to do a bunch of ZG runs with few being successful against Hakkar iirc hhahaa

Yeah Duunn was Dico/Deecho’s friend! Your name looks super familiar, do you remember playing with a mage named Yamannoodles who was particularly good at doing things incorrectly?

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Nightelf Druid
Planewalkers was the guild of champions I was in. Heimdall rebuild Planewalkers!