And Gorechild with Thunderfury and Strongbad as Scarab lord.
It’s funny i cant remember 90% of what i did last week but i could walk through Classic wow from starting zone to 60 blindfolded.
And Gorechild with Thunderfury and Strongbad as Scarab lord.
It’s funny i cant remember 90% of what i did last week but i could walk through Classic wow from starting zone to 60 blindfolded.
Just going to reserve name on first 2 PVP realms from top and first PVE realm.
Just going to Reserve name in first 2 pvp realms and 1 pve realm from top
Knolan(Human-Mage), Skalgar(dwarf-hunter)
Planewalkers, Hellsing Society
Lilrusty-dwarf hunter
Ancient Empire, Imperium Mortis, Red Capz
Old school PtDO crew!
Weren’t you around in Beatdown days as well?
Anyone remember a NE Rogue named Reliance? and a Human paladin named Chronokiller?
Good to see you too! This is a trip down memory lane to be sure!
Band of Brothers
Dwarf Rogue - Vo
Justwild Elite
Dude! I totally didn’t expect to have anyone else run into this, I still talk with DB, and I know Jensphie is around sometimes. What server are you planning on rolling?
Also DB says Let’s Boogie
I was indeed, but I believe we PtDO rolled on KJ when we were leveling, and then split off.
I might be mistaken but, Sherwin?
Lilrusty, Gorgons here rolling over on Herod with Alliance… Long time, many nights in MC & BWL… Still have that stupid rifle you made me before I got my Rhok’delar…
Gandair/Gaindair, human mage, was in VATOCLAN and No Dice
good to see some familiar faces in the thread
I’m going to be Gandair on Thalnos alliance and Cephené on Whitemane horde.
Can’t wait to see if I ever get shadow power to gloves again.
Hope to see Glorfindrel standing around with that glowy hand in IF somewhere.
if you want to say hi I’m Gandair#1758
Cleffa, Solistia, Arori, Lead, Drunken, Bloody, Holy, Shawt, Baconwrapped, Elfmaster, say hi, miss ya lots
Khalon where is Sargore to eat all the chips?
Ohgawd - Night Elf Rogue - no guild
Very niche statement here, but I had to ask. I don’t remember the name of the other Night Elf Rogue I met, all I remember was stealthing through Gnomeregan late one night because the group fell apart after the reset. We both wanted a Toxic Revenger off of Vicious Fallout, so we played for a while, coordinating in Vent and working to kill him until we both finally ended each with our respective daggers.
It’s one of my favorite memories of this game, and I’d just hope maybe you saw this too, whomever you are~
Wow, lots of familiar names here!
Shorts, gnome Warlock of DEEZ.
Hey ! I was a mage in Muffins Awesomedude!
Man so many names and guilds that I haven’t seen in ages!
Character - Bhediras, Night Elf Hunter
Guilds - PK (Professional Killers), RoKK, Justwild Elite, Premonition & Concordis. I had a lot of toons so I’m probably forgetting some and mixing them up too.