Wow I remember you…I was Arminas the Night Elf Rogue class lead
LFM but instead of playing 80 hours a week in college I get to play about 8 minutes a day.
Erlang you need a pocket healer?
I remember you 'Nastie… I made me a Nelf Lawlior and do a spot of tankin here and there.
- Stockyawaken, Night Elf, Resto Druid
- Advent Fury
- Anyone from AF Or anyone I knew basically!
Chambers! Whats up man, long time!
Hey Chambers! What’s going on? Haha
lol Baba, I remember your name.
Hi Chambers!
Gavitor human priest
Also played human paladin and human rogue.
Forget what guilds I was in.
Searin, Dwarf Hunter
Guilds: The Iron Circle, Test of Time, Premonition.
Yo someones gota revive PALADIN STRIKE FORCE.
Mackas - Dwarf Warrior in DeeZ during BC
Conallfenris - Dwarf pally
-ascension guild, bounced around after BC
Marshal Noobi - Gnome mage, lead a alternate pvp squad on ally side to compete against the main bg team right before they changed the honor system. Holler if any of you guys in the squad see this (especially you Nuh). It was right after Calimdan got GM. Played here and there with the guys from Wee. I recognize you Pheraph. Akyalas and I restored Wee during Cata running a RBG team, Heffa was there too.
Subo, Human Rogue
Black Knights/Asylum
I still remember a few of the officers from those guilds: Ashton, Takuyaah, Lawmonkashu
I hope I can run into some old friends…or enemies
I remember you, You were our main tank
Raydon , Level 60 Gnome Mage: Akatsuki & Wee
So nice to see some of these old names ! Blast from the past!
Vanion, Human Paladin, The Collective, Aegis, 2004-2009. Wonder where my Night Elf Collective OG members are…EvilZug, Amabel, Malmort, Waywatcher, Shauk.
you used to go by another toon and name, used to be part of grathorac’s group ya?
yonder, smallproblem, hess
LF valafarian(alien) and jaegermeister(shoutout 626) in vent ;]
wheres geralt =D