Kil'Jaeden Alliance Reconnections

Alatariel — NE Rogue
Looking for fellow raiding peeps from:
Crimson Blood Guard
Justwild Elite


Justindawg - Human Warlock
Guild - zeitgeist
Would love to catch up with anyone from that guild.

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Lastexile aka Altorious human mage
Brink of madness
Everyone :smiley:

-Yamannoodles, Human Mage
-I am pretty sure I was in Premonition, but I can’t remember :frowning:
-Everyone :smiley:

I distinctly remember joining for my first MC, and I died sometime during the fight against Garr. I thought we were going to wipe and went to make a sandwich, and came back to my friend whispering me “WHY DIDN’T YOU ROLL WE JUST DISENCHANTED YOUR HELM CAUSE NOBODY NEEDED IT”

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Damn droods… :stuck_out_tongue:

Kirasawa, NE Hunter - Black Knights Guild
Malagarde, Human Warrior - Black Knights Guild


Ratchet, the Dwarf Priest
DeeZ, Nemesis, deathGrab

Trying to decide where to play for Classic.


Name: Rubberneck, Human Warrior.
Original Guild: Black Knights, Nemesis.

I’d like to connect with anyone from that era of amazing game play!!


Name: Floras, Nearview
Guilds: Exordium, Soul Society, RoKK

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Funnykiller - Human Paladin

Rokk, Red Capz, Premonition

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Name: Saval, The One and Only


  • Smite Makes Right
  • ægis (Hi Deja, I’ve missed you)
  • Legends of Lordaeron
  • DeeZ (co-leader)
  • RoKK

Keegan is around here somewhere


Healx, Human Paladin
Guilds - Dont remember what guilds before the major server xfer to Korgath.

I was in death before dishonor as

Arra- dwarf warrior
Aurax- dwarf priest

I’m sure we played together!

And I’m gonna be…HIGH…as a kite…by then. Oh…I miss the earth so much…I miss…my wife.


Name: Melokk, Gnome Mage.
Guild: Band of Brothers

Oh I totally forgot about aegis. Edit: This is Sarine, not sure why it character swapped on me and I’m too lazy to go fix it.


Hi everyone!

I used to play a Ret / Holy Paladin named Brian for Elven Exiles before we moved to Korgath. Lol

I remember Healx from this thread…as well as Verruca and Sault (NE female warrior / NE Female Holy Priest), Treasurer (NE Female Druid), Christmas, Chadowen/Grapenuts… So many!

Holy hell.

You’re on a list of about three people that I think about still and wonder, “what the hell happened to that guy?”. ‘TheFallen’ is another.

I still have screenshots from when we would play Scrabble at 6am on Tuesday mornings during server downtime.

Gilles, Human Mage
Looking for any former late night casuals from P u R G E


He’s still around. Been awhile, but I see him in passing.