Kicked from dungeon for reading quest text

He said he was the healer.

If you were lagging behind the group and only catching up after they had killed the mobs, then they would probably kick you for expecting the group to carry you.

I think most miss the point. Most dps wait for a long time to get in runs. when finally get there some reason now they want to rush. Slow down and enjoy life. if I find a group that fun. I will ask them if they want to do a bunch more. Most say yes. They ones who usually just click yes. They just want to rush it. so it is pretty easy to get a vote kick.

Still to kick healer. wow. That like the first thing I ask before I go. is healer you ready. You never no what or why they might need a second. I hate dying. well if on my pall I usually out healer a healer in low level dungeon. so usually does not matter. but it is a respect thing.

Hey, if the meme is appropriate, it doesn’t matter how old it is :sunglasses:

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People can be so impatient in dungeons at times, it amazes me that they actually bother running them. People need to learn to chill out.

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It gets a bad rep from players kicking players for playing the game, and people defending that.

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Are you seriously blaming him for other people being incapable of going on without him for MAYBE 30 seconds? A whole MINUTE at the very most. If anything the others weren’t respecting his desire to immerse in a ROLEPLAY game.


If it makes you feel any better my first ever toom was a healer. (Went mage in legion for change) people are a lot meaner to healers and tanks for some reason. I remember back in those times trying to loot wool cloth to keep leveling tailoring and getting kicked cause I “couldn’t keep up” apparently.

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thats not happened to me but only read in normals. I do have a guildie that kicked back in Wrath for reading in one of the Lich King instances though

Was it Horde?

Because Horde is a lot worse with kicking for whatever reason.

Lemme guess, +1500 mythic score for normals so you can clear quickly? Hate to see what heroic would be!

This might seem crazy but going slowly is boring to most people. Why do you want people to do like 1/10th the dps they can do so they are in a dungeon longer and in queue less? No one wants to do that.

Next time just say, I’ll be right there, gotta reload ui real quick.

He left out he was the healer and that he has been playing 11 years. Does that change your opinion ?

Not at all. If you think healers don’t deserve to enjoy the game just like everyone else then you may as well just leave this topic well enough alone.

I can read while playing. Rotations are simple enough. And typing in combat makes you learn to read fast xD

People kick for all kinds of stupid reasons

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You miss point. I go zoom. they want to go warp speed, forget everyone else speed.

I have stopped doing dungeons in wow altogether, I find the people can be rude and most of the time they kick you because they want their friend in the group. Secondly how are you supposed to know if they need a specific item on need and greed. When I did do dungeons and just passed on allot of items, they still treated me badly and proudly greeded whatever items they wanted. Secondly, how is a Paladin a healer, this is a holly warrior not a priest, why does your opinion matter in how I play my character if I am contributing to fighting and assisting in the progress of the group.
I’ve had enough and I know solo wow without dungeons. Its allot less stressful and hurtful.

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The exact time of a few moments is 4 and a half minutes.

I would have booted you too.

I will go over just a few reasons why you definably earned your kick

First off, you’re a tank. You need to be on your A game and large and in change.
Secondly, you have very low HP for a tank. My dps toons are higher HP than that so they may have seen your reading of your quest as nervous hesitation seeing as how you seem not to have told them that you were doing so before you did it.

The group most likely assumed that you were underprepared and possibly nervous and in over your head so they kicked you just to be on the safe side.

And if by your comment of “on an alt though”

if you meant that as saying that that greatly undergeared tank was not the toon that was kicked, then why post on it without naming what toon it indeed was.