Kicked from dungeon for reading quest text

The vote to kick system is for any time you do not enjoy playing with a player. If 3 players want to read quest text and kick someone for trying to pull then they are totally justified for doing so.

When you are doing group content you are a member of the group. If the majority want to do something a certain way and you dont, then they can kick you.

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wow is an rpg …why should i need to go to an rp realm to read quest text?

This is why people kick up a fuss when story elements and completions are tied to group content. At some point, story and lore got thrown away in favor of GO-GO-GO and whatever the heck ‘pushing keys’ is.


In dungeons you GO-GO-GO, you don’t stop for anything but healer’s mana.

Why should 4 people have to wait for you?


i just rereread that …yeah …

I am sorry it happened to you. It has happened to me before. However, if group finder is to work the ability to kick needs to be there. The only criteria being a vote up to players to decide is the only one that makes sense.

TLDR: I think you got unlucky with the group, but they had every right to kick you because that is how the Vote to Kick works.

You want to explain why you disagree?

the idea of justification in removing someone that doesn’t match your place is faulty at best, there is no justification actually needed to simple remove the healer because he likes sweet pickles, or the dps for claiming your girlfriend.
there are reasons that people can and will agree with, and there are reasons few people will agree with, nevertheless, removing people needs no form of justification or excuse.

and yes, i have been removed for liking sweet pickles. no idea why.

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There is a timer before you can initiate a vote kick. You have plenty of time to prove you will help out the team.

Yes, the majority of the group chose to kick. Are we ignoring those players? “All animals are equal but some are more equal than others” is that your philosophy?


You’re right on that. The group chose to kick and it is fully within the ToS. There is no debate.


I will say this. I don’t agree with how the dungeon system works, and i don’t much like the liberties that can be taken with it. The problem is the general attitude and usage of the system itself, however, aside from making your own group, it is currently what we have to work with since mop i think.

No. The vote kick system is to rid the group of griefers, AFKers or harrassers in your party, not to kick random players because you don’t like their playstyle. If you are picky about who you do dungeons with, stop using the dungeon finder and make your own 5-man group.

The fact there are even people to consider that acceptable is why World of Warcraft’s community has such a bad reputation.

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Intended use and what it gets used for are 2 separate things, unfortunately. Some like to call it “clever use of game mechanics.”

A Blue has literally stated it is for whenever you dont enjoy playing with someone. That is it.

I wouldnt have kicked this guy. It was in the players rights to due so.

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Unless a character is DC’d (and has been for a while) or they are being a complete jerk (like deliberately pulling everything in sight and not being able to handle it–whether or not they’re actually the tank) I always vote no when a vote to kick comes up. Doesn’t always help, but my experience has been that most players really aren’t posterior headgear.

WoWs community is one of the tamest. Where do you get it has a bad reputation?

Probably referring to all the “toxic player” posts I’ve seen lately. I agree that there are games far worse. However, toxic people will always exist in any game where others play.

Continuing the discussion from IE kick threats/blackmail:

Continuing the discussion from What are you doing for thanksgiving?:


If you have been playing 11 years, why would you need to spend time reading quests in dungeons at this stage. They haven’t changed.


They gave practical advice. You have a tantrum. Grow up.

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I’m just going to assume he was the tank. I doubt they would have kicked a dps. I’m sure you would have been fine in most groups. For me it really wouldn’t have mattered, unless I got the impression you were trolling the group.