Kicked from dungeon for reading quest text

A player should not be kicked from an MMORPG for reading quest text, so before CRZ and LFD the players doing the kicking would have been the ones blacklisted.

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There is a timer before you can initiate kicks. Stop afking. You can wait till the end of the dungeon to read the quests, solo them and take your time or use the internet. I don;t want to wait minutes before anybody starts moving. Thats a huge waste of time.

Time is money friend. It tells you this in game.


I don’t think he got kicked for reading the quest - he got kicked for telling the group to wait for him. I wouldn’t kick someone for reading the quest but I would kick someone for telling the group to wait for him while he did it. There is no reason for that - plus as the person above indicated there isn’t even really a reason to read the quest in detail before the dungeon since you can do it after it is finished - all you need to do is find out what to do and that takes a couple of seconds.

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Yea, if a person just stops suddenly and stands there, more often than not, its a dc. Fastest way to complete a dungeon is vote to kick, replace, and move on.

Sorry OP that you were kicked, but you were wasting other people’s time.


It’s 2018 and playing the game how it’s supposed to be played is apparently ‘wasting other peoples time’. Yeah, thanks for this.

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Care to point out the rule book on how the game is supposed to be played? The point of a game is enjoyment. Vote kick takes a majority. When you are part of a group or team you have to cooperate with them. That is the point of a team. It’s current year after all.


You keep using a 31-year-old meme, so… :man_shrugging:

No no, people are confusing BfA dungeons with the low level dungeons which have quests inside them. BfA you get quests to run the dungeons.

Don’t get to cooperate if they just kick you, or if they say “Wasting my time”. Since typing to other players is a ‘waste of time’ too, apparently. Or waiting for one player to read the quests in an RPG is a ‘waste of time’, geeze other players right? Can’t have them enjyoing their MMORPG!.. An online game, with other people.

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Ok if we are using the RP excuse, then play on an RP server. The fact that WoW has RP realms is kinda a telling factor that most people do not play it that way.

The bottom line was the player was doing something that was preventing him from helping his group. He could have been stopping a bank robbery, he could have been writing an opera, he could have been reading quest text. It doesnt matter. He wasnt with the group and wasnt helping them kill stuff.

Do I think it sucks that people are that impatient? Sure. I personally wont kick unless someone is AFK for 3 minutes because I am not in that big of a hurry. However, others are. One persons time isnt more important than the other 4s.


Mmorpg. It’s in the genre of the game not the server time. Reading quest text is part of playing the game. Hence why it’s there. Kicking other players for playing the game is bad. It’s not a debate.


The fact that Blizzard has distinctive RP realms suggests that they themselves do not even think that all their servers are for RP. If you wanna RP go to an RP realm. Sure you can spout the genre type all you want, but the fact that the producers of the game have made specific places for RP to happen should make it clear that then entire game isnt for RP.


Roleplay is different than playing a rpg, completely different things. The fact that you don’t know this is very telling, and world of Warcraft, an mmorpg, is not for you.


I have been around since TBC. I am well aware of how this game works. Sorry but things have changed since 2004.

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The genre of the game has not changed, sorry.

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not sure what to think of this but it made me realize that i never read quest text, like ever.

it could be weird symbols and i’d be okay with that, as long as there’s a yellow dot on the map :slight_smile:

seems to me the kick was justified. i see it toxic stopping the group to roleplay , go to goldshrine and read/roleplay your heart out.


You still havent addressed that OP was delaying 4 other people from doing what they wanted to do. That is what the kick system is for. As I think it was Yth said “If players are not enjoying their time with you, that is all the reason needed for a vote to kick.”

Play this game as an RPG as much as you want. But do not expect everyone to wait for you to catch up.


Just a little advice for this… You could accept the quest and then open up your questlog and then read the quest that way so that you can read it while doing the dungeon. That way you avoid stuff like that. It’s unfortunate that you had to go through that though. That’s just how the game is though sadly. I hope your next one goes better

You still haven’t addressed that those 4 people held up millions of people trying to play an mmorpg by kicking them and giving them a debuff to prevent them from queueing.