Kicked from dungeon for reading quest text

LOL, the fact you got liked 9 times makes me way more sad for the game than your post itself. Just lol


Clearly I do, when I read quest texts I don’t get kicked sitting there for 5 minutes wasting the group’s time. Three separate quest texts take seconds to read.

This is one of the reasons why WoW can’t get new players. Benedict, you’re contributing to the death of the game you play. Well done.

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Typical elitist attitude, @benediction :disappointed:

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Communication is so vital, you’re right, I think. I’ve found many friends through the PUG lifestyle simply by talking.

“Gunna be afk after this boss. Sorryfor delay!” Can go a long way. And then letting them know “thanks and sorry for delay” when you return.

Also, Guns n Roses “Patience” comes to mind.

How long is a moment to you? Like what exactly is a moment? Subjective words like that really dont help you when asking for help.

And what do you propose that they do? Ban these guys for voting you out?

Also, how long is “a few moments” here? What quest were you reading in the middle of a dungeon?

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this is my question. just how slow does the OP read?

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thats the point i dont read slow.
people are that impatient i wasn’t reading for more than a minute.
i asked one of them after they kicked me and they said i was afk when they pulled so they kicked me. tank ran in before i finished loading. and i said wait up so i could read quest and before i could finish they kicked me

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You would get a deserter buff and have to wait 30 minutes to requeue they would wait less than 2 minutes for a replacement - don’t be so sure people won’t kick a tank.


What quest? The quest given to run the dungeon? That can be read before you enter it.

I think you’re leaving details out.

no the quest you get from the person when you walk in

i think people are missing the point of this post.(some people)


lol - you got kicked because you told them to wait up so you can read - you didn’t get kicked for reading it, you got kicked because you expected the entire group to wait for you.

Under those circumstances I would have voted to kick you as well - sorry but not too. You don’t need the group to wait up for something that should take less than 10 seconds.


wow your an a## sorry i tried to read a quest in an rpg

also post on a max level toon.


This is no longer an RPG. It is a social experiment. Any and all rpg elements must be kept to a minimum and when solo.


If like to thank all those players whom didn’t vote kick me as I tried to keep up. Shoot there were times they 4 manned it and let me be as I had to deal with crud here and got back on as soon as I could to try and make it to the last boss.

The fact that someone being rude and saying that by EXPERIENCING part of the game you were not respecting others people time while they did not respect your time by kicking you is really telling. I’m sorry that the people left in this game are so rude, but it seems to be a result of literally no negative consequences for being rude or kicking other players that Blizzard won’t address after they neutered any servers ability to get rid of rude players via not grouping with them when they unleashed CRZ(Cross-realm zoning/grouping), sharding, and LFD.


see this is the problem and why you got kicked - you keep on telling others to do things.


Read faster next time. Your time isn’t more important than the other 4 people in the dungeon. People are way too entitled in this game.


I have a question for you though - at least 3 people figured OP was wasting their time, who in this situation would get the bad rep, OP or the people doing the kicking ?

I think you need to read the entire thread as well - OP is saying people kicked him for reading the quest but I think it was something else. I think him telling the group to wait for him while he read the quest was what got him kicked. If he hadn’t said a word but spent 10-20 seconds reading I am betting he wouldn’t have got kicked.

In my experience, 90% of the time people get kicked not for what they are doing or not doing but for what they say in those.