Kicked from dungeon for reading quest text


I would have kicked you to pleb how dare you have any inquiries as to why or what your characters purpose is in a dungeon RPG setting


Do people even know what the word “toxic” means anymore?

"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.



adjective: toxic


“the dumping of toxic waste”

synonyms: poisonous, virulent, noxious, deadly, dangerous, harmful, injurious, pernicious

“toxic houseplants”

antonyms: harmless

  • relating to or caused by poison.

“toxic hazards”

  • very bad, unpleasant, or harmful.

“a toxic relationship”


LMAO so apparently I don’t know what it means. Something being “unpleasant” is toxic??? Are we serious here??? I had an unpleasant day at work today, so does that mean my workplace is toxic?

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When im tanking and i see people like you reading quest text, i make sure you get the quest first before kicking, so you get to read it while waiting for deserter debuff.


Did the quest text start with “Well Prince, Genoa and Lucca are now no more than private estates of the Bonaparte family.”?

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Youre the type of player thats wrong with this game. Less of your type would be a huge improvement to making this game an MMO again.


Seems so.
I googled definition of toxic and thats what was in the dictionary.

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This is the real answer here. Expect most groups to go at as Brisk a pace as the healers mana will allow. Unless you’re a very slow reader you should have no problem reading the quest text, then using a movement ability to catch up. Just make sure to communicate that you’re on your way to your group.

A good rule of the thumb for the pug world is just communicate with people and be polite. That doesn’t completely guarantee every run will be a good experience, but it will DRASTICALLY cut down on the amount of toxicity that comes your way and your experience will improve.


i asked them not to pull said 1 sec plz

next thing i know i’m being kicked
i was healing if that changes anything…

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Most of the time when I say something like that on my priest, they usually pull then apologize. Something I’d recommend is telling them in /say or /party so a chat bubble appears above your head. If you’re in LFD/LFR the default is instance chat which does not give you a chat bubble. IDK about you, but I rarely look at the chat window while, and its easy to miss something if thats the only place you can see it.

ive been playing for over 11 years this is not something new


Not long ago, the posters defending it were here trashing everyone’s “gogogo” mentality in dungeons. Chameleons I tell you.


I’d like to know the real story here… There’s no quest text in the game that isn’t pretty short. A small paragraph at most. In order to be kicked from a dungeon you need to have a time limit pass first, so you definitely took your sweet time. 10/10 deserved it.

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many dungeons have quest that come to you in 3s and half way through the run


Every tank on the forums is harassed by its party to pull faster and cannot stand the pressure.

Every tank I’ve ever healed has been half a mile ahead of me at all times, including the moment I load into the instance, and is always jumping to new trash packs before dps has even finished the previous pull.

Lots of math doesn’t add up in WoW, I find.


post on your main

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Probably didn’t ask or let people know either. Either way it’s up to the group to decide. Group kick is great and the good far outweighs anything “bad”.

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you dont know how to read do you?

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