Kicked from Dungeon because of being on Oceanic Server!

One of my friends that plays a healer is from Australia and does great with High MS. Idk how you guys can handle it, I have trouble with anything over 200.

How long is the delay after you press a button?

ive done keys with people on oceanic servers and have had to leave before we started because i didn’t want to ruin their run because of the lag

some specs may be able to function but fury is GCD capped and a significant delay with a GCD capped class is awful and near unplayable

idc about their lag if they join my grp though. if someone is confident they can preform with 250ms, i will let them try. keys are a joke now anyway

When I do things like LFR or world bosses in the warfront zones, I am always put in a group based outside Oceanic and - dependant on where the primary group member is - the ms can be anything from 50 up to 300.

And I cope with it. My dps is always fine, my healing is always fine, I manage. We’re accustomed to it because on 99% of the time we always end up in a non-Oceanic group due to the differences in population. And we coped with normal high ms prior to the opening of the Oceanic server.

If I can and everyone else here can cope with a short term blip and still play the game, then US players should be able to as well. This is an international game, it isn’t just as US game, and Americans need to get that idea going live.


Well, Australia isn’t really all that up there when it comes to Internet Speeds. But guess it is just a natural thing for us Aussies. We deal with what we can get.

Dunno, haven’t timed it. But doesn’t feel like there is any delay for me.

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Because for the first 10 years of wow the oceanic servers where physically based in the US which meant we had to learn the game at 600ms.

Funnily enough this is also why i laugh at Rektful. He used to play on the bloodlust battlegroup, which was mostly OCE servers. Back then that meant he had a 500 ms advantage over his opponents, which is a big deal in PvP.

He bragged about how good he was and then wondered why he could never win LAN tournaments.


Not exactly. You can mitigate it. Just need to think more. WoW have queuing spell feature. You can hit a button before cast or gcd end to queue up the next ability. Blizz does design classes to accommodate this to. Like frost mage for example. That’s why we have 2 finger of frost.

The most impactful would be positioning. There’s no lag compensation for that. But it’s less of a problem if you the mechanics. Like you should if you’re raiding.

Is that a real thing? If that’s true shouldn’t everyone lag if one person lag. Blizzard shouldn’t have code it like that if that’s true. Don’t you think it sound like those multiplayer shooter players that say “Nooo. I die to lag. Not my fault.”?

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Question: if you pass lead will it revert to their server? I have in certain circumstances when everyone has arrived 5 seconds after me passed lead trying to make it better for the group as a whole afterall I don’t mind a bit of lag, but I am unsure whether this solved anything.

The funny thing is, they will be stuck on an oce instance server even after they kicked you.

So they kicked you for no reason.


600ms? I never got latency higher than 170ms on the LA servers - and I still don’t.

Not sure where everyone’s pulling these tales of 500-600ms from.

FWIW, Blizzard’s cross-server grouping does seem to drastically inflate latency when servers in different countries are involved, and that’s something Blizzard should be fixing rather than having players cop the attitude.

But “back in the day” (i.e. before Legion) if you played on a US server you had about 160-170ms latency from the east coast of Australia, and Chicago was (and still is) about 200-220ms.


If it is a random dungeon, passing lead doesn’t do anything. You are stuck on that regions instance server (OCE / NA / LA) until you leave the instance group.

Also sometimes getting leader doesn’t mean you get put onto your areas instance server. There have been a few times where I start with lead for a random heroic, but still end up on an US instance server.

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Because Latin American/Brazillian servers are still host… Wait, are we talking about Latin America or Los Angeles?

People were talking about being in NA and getting put on a Oceanic server, not sure what Latin America has to do with it :slight_smile:

Spending 10+ years with 200-300ms on average makes you used to it. Even today with OCE servers located in Sydney, I still play fine with 170-250ms whenever i get put onto an US instance server.


I was actually confused when you said LA Servers, is all.

Whenever I play fury, I don’t find it unplayable when I get put onto an US instance server.

I tend to play fury for things like Island exp’s and WQ’s.

You tell them it doesn’t work like that?

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I play at like 200ms, sometimes higher but don’t notice it being that big of a deal (Australia too). 300 mark is definitely where I notice the lag though.

And yeah, OP it’s ridiculous. We go on their servers and don’t complain about the latency, but other way around they like to complain. (I think if someone was getting 500ms though, they were already having internet trouble, surely it wouldn’t have done that much).


Reminds me of when I used to play LoL when OCE servers were US based, and got people from the US that felt that playing with 50ms (ping) was unplayable, meanwhile I was dominating my lane with 200ms.

I guess people from the US are just cry babies when it comes to “lag”.


i’ve never even once had trouble with this and my in game best friend lives in china. i honestly have no idea how people are having issues when my friend who i play with every single day has never given me that issue.

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It doesn’t work like that though. You don’t suddenly go back to an US instance server because you kicked the player from OCE that put you onto the OCE instance servers.

OP got kicked for no reason.