Kel'Thuzad Alliance Reconnections

I remember Brocksamson! Soooo many names I haven’t heard in forever here.


As long as the Guild Adult swim comes back. :slight_smile:


Wow, first post I see and already a link! And looking through I remember a lot of you.
I was in Deadly Syndicate, they were a merged guild of BS and Delu Naith, I came from Delu Naith :smiley:
I was Elvishrane, NE Warrior. Later namechanged to Barashin

For the benefit of not making 1000 posts, I was also in Red Circle, and I also played a NE priest named Lunax

Some names I’d love to see again: Alanduin, Baragard, Brocksamson, Villefort, Silybudy and his dad Silypapy
There was also a well known NE warrior that I looked up to and dueled outside IF constantly, I’d know the name if I saw it

<3 To refresh your memory RC was a totally seperate guild that one of us dragged everyone in our group to. And you got pretty good at arms too, mr modest

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Lamiria, Night Elf Priest
Hel Maor/Stygian in vanilla, Fists of Fury/Force later on

waves to familiar names

Hey Kayd, I thought you weren’t playing Classic? :stuck_out_tongue:

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@LAMI I got a little nostalgic today. Probably nothing too serious, first to 60, first to epic mount etc, like ole times.

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Hello Alliance!

I used to play with you lovely people on Kel’thuzad back in the day. I was one of the original creators of the guild Horde Gone Wild and competed with Pacifist for many of the initial server firsts!

Name: Wormed - Undead Rogue
Guild: Horde Gone Wild

Torr (who you may remember) and I have opened up a discord server to hopefully bring everyone together for a more cohesive chat experience. Seems many people are rolling Whitemane. If not, this might be a nice way to keep in contact with long-lost friends.

Unfortunately, this specific forum doesn’t allow links. With that said, you can contact me on discord (wormed#1623) or bnet (wormed#1202) and I can throw you an invite.

Or you can simply use this discord code: xt42uBk

Please bear in mind, it is very preliminary but hoping to grow for Classic. If you’re interested, do not hesitate to contact me.

Hope to chat with you all.

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I used to play a dwarf hunter named Tragdor
the guild i was in was Uncontested and The Great Han
I’m looking for Caligirl (human priest) lobsterberry (gnome mage) Bloodsworder (NE hunter) Rosette (human priest), xenoblood, latebow, shenzhen ZZMotenZZ


I am here merely to express my disappointment that you guys have mostly chosen to roll with the streamers on Faerlina and not join the old school Horde crowd on the superior server, Whitemane!


TorianPayne on kel thuzad. Night elf druid.

Hello alliance KT friends, the horde KT are mainly going Whitemane. :slight_smile:


Ah, memories.

My other hillsbrad rogue rival. PvPing before the honor system made it cool.


Hi Tehlot!

(posting on main this time, the former Lami)

There’s no way I’m gonna be the first of anything. I think I’m getting too old for that. Don’t know how much Classic I’ll end up playing, but it’d be nice to hang out with you and other familiar faces every once in awhile.

Yo Candor. Raided with Reno on this toon (Gromin) into BC. Classic Plans?

From what I’ve seen, a good deal of people are ending up going to Whitemane as well. I didn’t see many people hyping up Fairbanks so I already reserved a few names over on Whitemane just in case.

And hell yeah I’d love to see all of those guys again. I think I still had Socom / Villefort on skype / msn way the hell back. I remember he’d always mind-control me into UBRS so I could avoid the gank-squad sitting in Blackrock Mountain. Good guy.

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Sexius, dwarf Paladin, reporting for duty!!1

I was a Holy/Ret who used Shaman shoulders of the Elements for months because even after 100 UBRS runs, Judgements dropped before I ever saw a Lightbringers somehow. I also used a Zin’Rokh from ZG for most of my lv60 playtime.

I played with Ascendant, High Caliber, and Benevolent Hand mainly, possibly another one or two I can’t remember and also didn’t see anywhere in previous replies. Add me if you remember me!! I miss all my old friends!!


Whitemane it is then, the more of us there the better :smiley:
I withdraw my previous suggestion!

Loomf, Human Warrior

Guilds: Blue Screen/Unquenchable Flame/New Pantheon/Banana Syndicate

I also PVPed a good bit, got up to Commander but didn’t really run with any group, so I’m probably more recognizable to the horde :slight_smile:

Happy to see some friendly faces in this thread already (and Vidas :stuck_out_tongue:)


Shamalot: Night Elf Rogue
Guild: Lords of Retribution
Kel’ Thuzad Alliance

I’m rolling Horde this time around on Whitemane.

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