Herbivore - Gnome Rogue - The Great Han
Shout outs to:
Xenoblood, Rosette, Tearleaf, Alexisamara, Lobsterberry, Cryzzt, Sulin, Votum, Zenaa and all the others I played with from The Great Han, The Benevolent Hand, PVP, and elsewhere.
If anyone from TGH is going to play classic, reply.
Please tell me you still deliver pizza?
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So for any interest, I’ve actually got a few following for a guild prepared for classic. Some old faces some of you might remember like Damuri (night elf warrior), Theresa (human warlock), and Walfie (gnome rogue), as well as a few others will all be joining me (Twiddles) on the server Whitemane. If interested hit me up or just reply to this thread and maybe we can get an entire KT guild going!
I wish you could remember the name, I probably played with you. Definately played with Trilliance and Yardalas. Pretty sure Exsoldier is planning to come back if people remember him.
Just need to add Merika to that list.
Also, I’m happy to join you guys, just not sure how much I’ll be playing!
All these names!! It’s all coming back to me!
NE Rogue
Defiance, Rogue Class leader and Raid leader to “Exsoldier’s ZG Safari“
PVP, shoutout to Kindred (and his pvp buddies), Nuaris.
Defiance shoutout-DOAMasta, Hayacti, Mathayus, Jordel, Arlen, Larimar, Yardalas, Trilliance, Bengolly, Merik “Team Bucket”, Xenolatra, Kindred, Nuaris, LadyHelenor, Dandune, Bicep(pre defiance), Kaidalin, Popagun, DragonBreath(guild merger). Balanis, CrazyRob, Eshara(guild merger), Bobomix, Meenok
Shoutout to Kysk in HC back in day for being the first if not second to get Thunder Fury on the sever.
Shoutout to Ammo, my little dwarf warrior buddy that stood next to me by the AH bridge.
Trucido is activating his account today or tomorrow, I’ll let him know about this post, Howie will be playing classic, havent talked to DM or xing, and I seriously doubt Happy will come back.
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What server is everyone playing on for classic?
I’m looking at either PVP server in the PST time zone
You did, I remember you and larimar, and exsoldier, though exsoldier more from wrath than classic. Mentalfloss, and unfortunately I remember crossing paths with vidas quite a few times. Though outside of raid I don’t think we all did much XD lol I mostly hung around Yard / Trill and some other rogue that I dont remember his name buttt he wasn’t in the same guild anyway XD
I played Changer back then, dwarf paladin in Unquenchable Flame.
Vidas - Hey there, old friend!
I’ll probably be rolling Horde this time around…
What sever is everyone looking to play on? I’m trying to stick to a pvp sever.
Greetings from the other side
Undead Rogue
Looking to reconnect with any of the old #kelthuzad IRC crew
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Edellin, Gnome Rogue
Benzo, Gnome Warrior
The Benevolent Hand
Back in the Tarren mill/Southshore days I had a fellow gnome rogue buddy and we terrorized casters hiding behind the guards. I can’t remember your name, but maybe you will see this!
Gonna go horde on Whitemane for classic
Hey Arlen!
I don’t know if you remember, but I was in Six Feet Deep with you. Guilianna (human mage)/ Ivori (human lock)/ Twilite (NE priest).
I was also in The Hungry Toad and Dead Fish Society.
Angilina - 29 flag running Druid.
Character: Leorik
Class: Hunter
Guild: New Pantheon
Did a ton of World PvP, and a lot of BGs. Raided all MC, bwl, zg, aq20 and some aq40, and a couple bosses in naxx.
I was there for all the southshore pvp madness. I remember grouping with a lot of you for pvp and all the early dungeon farms. I only made it to rank 8 or 9.
Will be nice to see you all again in game!
Heya Twilite,
I do remember. How goes it?