{H/A} <AZRA> recruiting friendly helpful players of any level for TWW

Hello all!
Are you looking for a helpful, laid back guild? Then AZRA might be the perfect home for you!

My husband and I created this guild about 9 months ago with his brother and his brothers wife, some Final Fantasy 14 friends as well as some friends we picked up in-game. We are looking to add more members to our steadily growing family.

My husband played and raid lead during Cata/MoP, so he has been a big help since I am new to the game. So don’t worry if you are brand new as well, we will all grow together. Though if you are the type of player that loves to mentor and guide the newer folks, we welcome you too! Anyone, no matter your playstyle, is welcome to join. Alts are welcome as well, even if you would like to make one to try us out first before committing.

Most are active in the evenings 5pm. est. to 10pm. est. due to working during the day Monday to Friday, and weekends are also very active days for our guild. A few of us are on all day (me included).

As parents of smaller children, we know that sometimes finding the time to game is hard. But we also know life comes first. So don’t worry if you can’t log on every day. We will still be here whenever you can play.

Guild Goals:
Our main goal is to just have fun playing the game together in a relaxed environment and make new friends along the way, as well as to guide newcomers.

What We Are Looking For
First and foremost, players of any experience level, who want a family-type, drama and pressure-free guild to be a part of. Everyone is welcome, as there are no requirements on what type of content you like to participate in. People don’t have to raid or do mythics. We just want people to play the way they find fun.

We are looking to add a few members to our full guild raid team. As of right now, we have about 15 members in our full-guild raid group Even if you don’t have any raid-ready characters, we plan to work as a team to farm the gear/levels needed when the time comes.

Raid times/days
Saturdays, 6pm-9pm est.
Possibly a second day once we have everyone’s raid availability.

There are no try-outs for our raid team. If you have interest in running the content, you are more than welcome to come, as long as your gear is at the Item level needed for the content.

We run Mythic keys daily as a group, and we would like to have more people that are interested in pushing some together.

We will be scheduling weekly events and giveaways for our members, as we do in any game is a part of.

Our ranking system within our guild is unique in the fact that we promote not by how well you get along with the leaders, but by how often you are willing to help out other members in the guild. Too many games have little cliques within guilds that get you promoted or ignored. We want you to know that we see the effort you put in when you go out of your way to offer advice, or just run dungeons with guildmates when they ask. That is why we choose to promote this way. Everyone should feel like they can be included, no matter what content is being ran.

Guild Rules:
Ahhh… the dreaded rule section… lucky for you, we only have one rule. Just be respectful to your fellow guild members, and you’ll do just fine. That’s all we ask of you. Too many rules can make the game too complicated and not fun to play anymore when you feel like you are walking around on eggshells, so we figure just being respectful is the best rule to have.

I know, that was a long post, so I thank those of you that took the time to read it. If you have any questions, concerns, or would like to join us, please reach out to me or my husband! We look forward to hearing from you soon!

My Discord: Morticia_Endzeit
My Bnet: StormShadow#13316

Husbands Discord: Malicide#8244
Husbands Bnet: Magus#1378


<3 great post love! All of this is great info and covers all of our basics!

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We’re looking for raiders!

New players are welcome! We’re willing to work with folks to get them to the point where they should be in raid settings.

This is not a recruitment for a raid team, this is a recruitment for a GUILD raid team. While we will more than likely need to fill with randoms until we fill up with guild mates, in the end we’re looking for a 99% guild raid team.

We’ve got 5 players as of now
We currently could use both tanks, some healers, and lots of the damage dealers.

We’re looking at a weekend raid schedule of Saturday (most of the day should is open for us) and Sunday (earlier in the afternoon like noon to 2/3pm.) EST based group.

We’re going to be pretty casual for the moment going through normals and into heroic. We went through most of normal last night with premade party finder. We’ll be going in for the last 3 bosses today.

Discord: Malicide#8244
Bnet: Magus#1378

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We have also started doing M+ dungeons. It’s been a fun learning experience!

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Seems like a bit early but do you have raid days/times picked out?

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sorry for the delay, don’t check this as often as we should!

Right now we’re just doing saturdays when folks are available and filling with lfg. If we got a full group (static) we can attempt to make a more fitting schedule. We have gotten a dozen or so members but not all are raid ready or even leveled. Quite a few folks are alts from other worlds to test us out, seeing as they seem to be fitting in we’ll probably add to our endgamers pretty soon!

Currently we have 2 healers and 2 ranged dps that are regularly showing up. So we have plenty of slots open for really an role but healer.

No worries lol I have warlock I’ve been playing but looking for a evening/night raid team

Our usual stopping point when we raid is normally 10pm est. I know for me It’s hard to stay up any later than that and still be able to focus. lol

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isnt kel’thuzad all alliance? do you find the world is dead or no?

It is indeed mostly alliance, but that just makes it more fun to world pvp lol. It’s also good for crafters as there are not a billion of them out there you can make a ton of gold of tips. There are very few places, maybe 2, I would advise not to have world pvp on, unless you intend to do it… but that’s not any different than most worlds i’m sure.

This is one of the reasons we have been trying to recruit outside of the game. We’ve found that most folks who find us via these forums will make an alt to just check us out.

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I added one of the ppl on discord to a bit more info

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We’ve come quite a long way since we first made this post. We’ve got a pretty good amount of players that have joined and are active. We’ve started forming a guild raid team and have been doing mythic + daily. We’ll be taking on heroic raiding soon when we get our team sorted out.

We’re currently on the path to making a guild rbg team for the pvpers out there.

Very casual settings in all of these things, so if you’re an elitist that likes to scream and rage, we’re not for you.

We are still looking for a 3rd dedicated healer (we have hpal and hpriest) for Sat/Sun raids. Currently we run Sat at 6pm eastern, until 9/10pm. Normal clears with the guild (we welcome anyone even new players to join this) and then heroic prog after. We are working on adding Sunday, midday, to the rotation. We plan to do sat/sun raiding in the next season.

We have daily m+ runners. We will be doing tons of m0/+ come season 4.

Very friendly, very helpful folks. We are a casual easy going group and we plan to keep it that way… but we do want the shiny stuff so.

contact me in game @ Mâgus (alt code 131)
put in an application for AZRA, kel’thuzad
alliance players are welcome as well.

Still looking for a raid tank and healer for season 4. ^^ Come have some fun!

We are still recruiting for the war within!

Still need some ranged DPS and healers in the guild. Need to balance out the melee. lol

Timerunners are welcome as well!

We are wanting to have at least 2 raid teams for TWW, so we still need more players interested in raiding.


I applied for the guild in-game. I think the cross-realm guild stuff is working now.

Your guild interested me after reading through your posts. I am a long time WoW player that’s just looking for a group of folks to try different things with. My wife and I (and some friends sometimes) mainly do Mythic+ content and PvP, but I am open for a lot of different things.

I do not typically use Discord/VOIP when doing most things on WoW, I am not fully opposed to it and could use it when required. I still subscribe to some of the old days of thinking though of text chat when I used to play FFXI and FFXIV at the start…

I would be happy to try out you guild if you would have me. I can’t promise it will be a fit, but you can’t know until you try.

My in-game name is Omantul-Rivendare and my battletag is SHINODA#11972


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Awesome! and we don’t require people to use the discord, though it is helpful during raids because we do call outs. We are happy to have you! :slight_smile: