I’d probably use a guild features like messages to hold some of that information on.
If we had a website that would show who rolled need on what and whether someone or the whole grouped ok’d it or didn’t then that could be something.
Like so so rogue on set realm needed on sm cathedral shield, no message from another person in message log said go ahead need on it or with specific key words.
RCR can be abused because the punishments dealt by it are automated regardless of whether any rules were actually broken. Blacklists aren’t automated. Nice try, though.
It’s never a “written list” somewhere, in my experience… It’s all just reputation… Ninja something, and you’re gonna get people who won’t group with you… and probably won’t group with your guild either via their association with you.
Personal Blacklists are fine with me, but public ones maintained off site give me concern. There is no oversight and potentially you can be put on it just because a group doesn’t like you for some petty reason.
Good lord, no. Do you not realize the possibility that the website would be open to abuse? The only way such a website wouldn’t be abused is if there was a rigorous evidence process the submission had to go through. No screenshots, it would have to all be video. Even video can be faked well enough by determined and clever parties.
No, this idea is awful. Tumblr and the lists they keep of people to alienate from communities (Yes, this is a thing) alongside Twitter blacklists? They perfectly encapsulate why such lists should not exist, as they are open to abuse by butthurt parties.
That’s a guarantee if there is not a rigorous evidence submission process. The internet is a huge place, and it has more than it’s fair share of horrid people; people who would take advantage and abuse such systems to make people miserable for perceived slights against them.
Need I even bring up the Red Scare, Satanic Panic, or the Salem Witch Trials? It’s why innocent until PROVEN guilty is such an important cornerstone in the US Justice system.
Honestly I could see realm discords becoming a thing very quickly. There will probably be a callout channel to shame people with screenshots as evidence.
My blacklist will be of a personal nature, and I’ll be noting the names of ninja looters and anyone who is just downright poison in a group setting. (The type that will start berating everyone from one bad pull, for example)
I would imagine that if some people ninja loot constantly they’ll become known to most on a server soon enough.
I feel like a website or some third party is a bit of an extreme and even if it use extensive process it be a waste of time on the person investigating. People who either are just extremely toxic or go around ninja looting to the point where their name is common on said server aren’t these lone rangers, they do it because they want to and they have no fracks to give and either already have friends or a guild they run with that they don’t behave like such with so your dislike for them means nothing.
Do not get me wrong blacklisting was a real thing however people over play how important or law of server it really was. Very few maybe less then a handful became a server blacklist as in shunned by just about most on the server. More often someone was on someone’s personal BL or maybe a guild BL but more often then not it wasn’t so wide spread unless you were an infamous horrible person. What I always found most humorous was those who were on this so called BL usually had some of the best gear etc, and they didn’t ninja loot it all it because despite some mischievous behavior in a group or 2 they still had friends or guilds who ran with them because with them they didn’t behave that way so no one was gonna be butt hurt over something not done to them.
The biggest effective BL was always guild ones those who BL someone for doing a guild wrong or ninja looting raid gear etc.
Until realm normal rules for rolling on loot are established (the exact meanings of need and greed), you can be sure that I’ll be discussing the meaning of each word before zoning into a dungeon.
That said, my personal blacklist is likely going to be some super high tech sticky notes on the edge of my monitor. I will probably share my blacklist with guild (people with whom I already have relationship who will take my blacklist as justified, some of whom were probably there to see the offense, and from whom I will accept blacklist additions as justified without screenshots). Someone will probably make an addon to make guild sharing easier. The old VanaKOS list allowed you to like people of your own faction in addition to “kill on sight” of the opposite faction. Each time you added an entry (shared with guild), you had a space for entering the reason.
My m+ blacklist (pugging nearly exclusively) is up to all of three people (all of the offenders are on the list for toxic behavior after being warned).
I’m not advocating shaming people for stuff that’s not ninja looting, but that’s the culture we live in today. Server discords are gonna have a “callout” channel and it will be filled with everything from ninja looting to people getting mad about undercutters on the AH
It does not matter what any of us think. There WILL be website blacklists because blizzard cannot control 3rd party websites. I hope they will be responsible and require screenshot proof but we’ll see.
This. For the first couple months, every time I end up in a group for content, there will be a conversation about how we’re handling loot. If people involved think that “I will roll need on items because I want to sell them” or something to that effect, I’ll simply say no thanks and be on my way.
You WILL recognize people for how bad they are. For example, if someone ninja looted one item in a level 40 dungeon, they don’t need to be treated like the WORST person in the world.
If someone is a known ninja or a known PoS, your server will let you know. They post something in trade, people will tell you to avoid them. They join a group, someone will more than likely know them and say they will leave if you don’t kick.
We don’t need to put someone on a permanent blacklist for one small thing they did. But if they continue these actions you will know them.
I mean… I agree and disagree… we shouldn’t be demonizing every single bad behavior and permanently blacklisting someone.
But, on the other hand if someone is a habitual PoS, you need to know who they are and keep them out of your groups. If you 100% KNOW this guy is probably going to be rolling need on every single item or if he is known to wipe groups just for fun by pulling everything, why would you invite him?
That is just dumb acting like you don’t know this guy is going to ruin your group because you just want to ‘ignore them and just keep playing your game’.
I’m not really sure where the ‘blacklist’ becomes appropriate… Are we talking about ninja looters in a raid? Why is the raid not on master loot?
5-mans? Does 1 group’s interaction with a player merit a server-wide blacklist from guilds? I guess it would depend on what was ninja’d, I’d have to see some examples of egregiousness. If it’s a concern, then you should always form your own groups and control who you invite as well as what classes you take to mitigate contentious claims to loot.
Ultimately, a blacklist as it applies to raiding guilds seems like it is the concern of the leaders of those guilds and less so everyone else. If you’re just doing dungeons, I don’t think you need a server-wide resource for managing bad actors you have your own ignore list to curate.