Keep throwing gear around and reward continuous play

You must be one of those people who thinks we should have to go to work to have a decent life too, aren’t you?

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Are arguing for or against my point? Because yea, generally if you want to live well you get a job.


I usually agree with a lot of what you say but people actually are easily hitting 400 ilvl by doing world quests and warfronts. There are posters in this thread who haven’t even completed all the BfA dungeons on normal difficulty, which would be some of the most basic content offered by the expansion.

Ironically, this point gets trotted out by the same players that insist on having gear comparable to people who run high level content.

Ohs noes!! You didn’t agree with him…REPORT HIM!!!

Seriously, this is just abuse of the reporting system.

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let it rain epics :cloud_with_rain:.

My issue with this is where does it leave players who complete harder content at slower rates?

Like ok, Mythic raiders who breeze through Heroic on week 1 get that high ilvl gear from raiding very fast, and maybe that headstart is meant to be the reward vs. waiting weeks/months to gear up via the easy catch-up method. But many more players don’t breeze through Heroic and get all that gear right away, they take weeks/months to make it through that content, which puts their gear acquisition not far ahead from the easy catch-up methods.

I don’t like the idea that you’re either a hardcore super raider benefiting from the best and fastest gear, or the game just throws catch-up at you because well you’re not on the cutting edge anyway so you probably need it. It sucks for people who aren’t cutting edge but still want to approach challenges at their own pace and have meaningful gear progression through that.

and it is the truth… gearing without raiding has a significant larger time investment than simply raiding. the gear comes at a much slower pace.

personally i think most of the raiders on the forums who are complaining about gear simply do so because it cuts into the run sales.


It doesn’t just rain epics, it pours. You’re a fine example of that. You’re geared with ilvl equal to a heroic raider and you haven’t even ran all the dungeons on normal difficulty. lolol

Neither have you.


oh man if your mad now wait until you see my other 6 level120s they are 400s as well now ok time for some pvping peace love and chicken grease!


If people don’t want to do harder content getting into mythic or raiding them why go the need the gear to do it?

There are people who are geared for m+10 and up who have no idea how to play at that level. Content should prepare you for the next content. No amount of world quests and slowly scaling up of loot will addequetly prepare someone for a tyrannical boss on +10.


I assure you some guys who collect welfare on a video game don’t make me mad. People like you are the least of my concern in life.

Yeah, I bet so. lol


The irony part is having one subset of players saying “dont worry about what gear other people have,” while simultaneously obsessing over the idea that their gear should be comparable to a different subset of players.

And why is it that players think there’s zero character progression if they aren’t getting purple pixels from saving turtles or raiding mythic Jaina?


To many trash mobs for my likeing so i only went with 4 dungeons to grind for my quest events.I liked doing Mythic+ dungeons more in legion when they didn’t shove them down my throat.

Why misrepresent what the OP has said? He suggests that the ilvl endpoint for people not doing elite content should be lower than that of people who do.

The throngs supposedly demanding raid gear for logging in consist of one easily spotted troll a month.

The actual fact that is obscured by this silly misrepresentation is that elite players often play very little. This type are way less dedicated to the game than many casuals who play far more than them. They like very little of the game. Yet somehow they feel that playing only a few hours a week is proof of the opposite.


and purple pixels mean exactly jack and squat… it’s the stats on the purple that matters. If they want to give me blue level gear that has the stats and performance of the current purple level gear to assuage your poor ego… sure go right ahead. Color means nothing.


That’s inaccurate, they’re on a different skill level for one because they either have the hardcore mentality to improve themselves and it comes naturally to them or they’ve done it before in previous raid tiers.
Yes at the end of an expansion they only log in for raid pertaining to their schedule but at the beginning of an expansion they’re putting in more time/effort than the majority of the casual player base to get ready to make progression as easy as possible.

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I’ve been in top 50 guilds and by no means is it fun, logging in 4-6 days a week to raid and min max your character. So I’ve taken a step back from being one of the first players killing a raid boss, I don’t need to be number 1 to feel accomplished. I enjoy getting upgrades and downing the boss before the next expansion release even if it comes with some nerfs to the raid content. But I don’t have to kill my self doing it.