Keep throwing gear around and reward continuous play

Wait. How am I acting like a victim?

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Wahhh! The casuals are getting the same gear as me! Wahhh! I’m not special! Wahhh! Blizzard! Make it stop!!!

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Please point out where I said anything about casuals getting the same gear as me.

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I’m fine with long-term effort even in casual content rewarding something worthwhile, but someone doing nothing but WQs should -never- approach the same gear as a Heroic raider. It should be limited, and not just by time. You shouldn’t be able to get every slot at equal ilvl to those who play the content that requires coordination and skill, not until the next “season” starts and those players can get something better, at which point, sure , push catch-up mechanics that allow people doing low-end content to progress forward again, because progression is important.

Honestly I think the MoP/WoD style Legendaries are the best way of handling long term effort = great reward regardless of what level of content you’re doing. Throw a 1 or 2 of those around. But World Quests shouldn’t suddenly == Heroic Raids just because you did them for a long time.

Reminder that “Raid or Die” is bad, but people refusing to do any form of harder content doesn’t mean the game is “raid or die”, it means people are being lazy, hit their limit, or plainly don’t have the time – and that’s totally fine, but those people need to accept that they can’t have the best stuff.

WoW hasn’t been “Raid or Die” in any sense of the phrase after WoD ended.


I think the games fine as is other than having boring content. but I really do think they need to either remove titanforging/warforging.

It barely extends the life of the game even if you farm thousands of m+. I ran over 1600+ m+ duneons the first 6 months of legion, I saw maybe 3-5 capped ilvl items. Then I look at multiple players that barely did anything and they had a full set of gear higher than my mythic gear and all they did was m+.

But seriously there should be a can on at least titanforging to the base ilvl of the next difficulty. lfr to norm base, norm to heroic base and heroic to mythic base.

Here’s one example

And another

No it’s not. Neither of those posts are. Read those statements again

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I think you need to read them. They smack of complaining about casuals easy gear

No it’s not. The first statement was about Effort equating to the reward you receive. And the 2nd you quoted was about an experience I went through and how it felt to me. Thus the reasoning I made the first statement you quoted.

If you can step back for 5 seconds and think about it, not everything is about you and the casuals

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dont even try this person is always going to be a victim

laydeesoth, you’re doing gods work. however, these people cannot see that we’re not asking for 415 gear for saving turtles. we just want a sense of progression. this is my main but i parked him for a few months to work on alts. he’s 386 now which isn’t great. i got lucky getting a weapon from the weapon emissary and an OH from the next emissary that gave gear. his stuff was way lower ilevel before this. earlier today i got a chest from ivus replacing a 370 chest. it’s little stuff to work towards. i don’t even do the warfront every time it’s up unless it seems fun to me at the time. the game is a game. it is not a job. and i’m not getting $45 an hour for flipping burgers and completely invalidating someones irl.

Think you’re missing the point here. I want you to have progression that doesn’t stomp on raid difficulties in the process.

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They just don’t realize you guys have a gear progression system, everything’s too easy to acquire and you skip over most of it.

Let alone getting gear for every 5 minutes of game time. Try going 3 months or longer like it was back in vanilla.

You say it’s not all about me, which I can agree, because I know there are some casuals that feel they deserve the same as everyone else. Hell, some even posted that they feel so in this thread.

If I misunderstood your intentions with your posts, so be it, I apologize. But you were the one that quoted my posts about the elitist crybabies - and I’m sorry, but they are- and how you fit in with them. So with that I grouped you with that crowd especially since you seemed to side with what they were saying.

It’s is one of those topics where people on the other side will never see the point of the others. Like the flyers vs. anti flyers posts.

Just stop dude, you’re not making any sense at all.

No where in my posts did I elude to bring a victim.

what difference does it make what ilevel a piece of gear is? ask for tf to be lowered. the catch up mechanics are to funnel people into raiding, not to give casuals gear. don’t want people to get 400 gear from WQ? then take lower geared people into raids and mythic+ instead of expecting them to have higher than what it offers. this is a you vs you problem. it has nothing to do with us.

But seriously if they went and took gear away from the game right this second, people would still complain they aren’t good enough to get into the higher difficulty content. So even without gear in the picture there’s always going to be something to complain about. It’ll probably be jainas mount on mythic or that they don’t feel like they’re experiencing the content to it’s fullest which is why I find lfr to be a joke in that regard.

But yes even if everyone was given a full gear set of 425 gear there still would be different levels of players, there would still be the players that only do lfr or normal, then the heroic crowd which attempts mythic but lets be honest the first 3 of bod on mythic is a joke so wouldn’t even consider that mythic raiding and just freebies overall. But most raids have these for example hfc, the first boss was just an aoe fest with throwing some ammo into cannons.

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The conversation has kind of strayed it’s not just about throwing out gear like candy now.