Keep throwing gear around and reward continuous play

I answered a question with a question that would have the same answer.

And yes, the answer is no. To both questions.

But you only want the reward given to people like yourself and to hell with anyone else who doesn’t have the time to commit to play the game the way you play it.

I don’t want anyone to play the game how I want them to play. I want Effort to equal the reward you receive. That can be in any form of content.


Tbh I feel like this is lack of effort and overreaching in many regards. So you want the 8-10% of this game that caters to the hardcore/serious crowd to mean noting compared to casual content.

And is the usual structure of any game to be fair. You don’t just walk into Skyrim and get welfare handouts.

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And here’s the heart of why the elitists don’t want casuals getting gear.

You just want the casuals to look at you and say: “oh my look at that awesome guy!!!:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: he’s so amazing!:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:I wish I could be that cool!!!


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Not true at all in the end of the day all my level 120s have 400+ilvl gear feels good man :slight_smile: why would i whine about that :rofl:

this rush to victimization is really cringe

Let’s talk about feminism, I feel like we’d make more headway.

I can agree with you for once lol

No you’re totally wrong. We just don’t want our game destroyed. We want to be appropriately rewarded for the content we enjoy doing. Just like you are motivated to do your quests to get gear. To be fair why do you need high level gear to do dailies?


Not really sure what you’re getting at here. Who’s being victimized again?

See that video of of the woman that thought it was a conspiracy with manspreading. She ended up pooring bleach on mens crotch on the bus just for their legs being slightly spread, you do know we have extra bits down there right. Feminism meet equality, equality meet my fist.

They’d take the victim route I’m sure

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Ahh yes…the Elitists that clear Heroic…

stands up and goes outside with a beer in hand

sits down and contemplates what he just read

morning sun rises

que music

takes sip

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You’re rushing to make yourself a victim of the “elite” at almost every opportunity you can, and not even hearing out what the people that don’t agree with you are saying. It’s all knee-jerk and overreaction.

Calm down. No one wants you to not have gear. The system of progression and effort=reward in this game just needs to be maintained.

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omg i think i’m logging in

Go back and read my other posts. I don’t expect the same level gear as mythic raiders.

But I think it’s highly unreasonable if you to say we deserve nothing for our time played.

I want higher level gear so that I can feel like I’m getting something for my efforts.

woo i’m in

Yay! Runs for the exit!

LMFAO! The only ones acting like victims in this thread are the elitist mythic raiders!

Did you even read any of these posts?

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